Jun 29, 2008
The Audacity of Arrogance: George Bush, Senator Obama & The Failed American Electorate
The American electoral process is tantamount to war between the Crips and the Bloods. Neutral Americans are being conditioned to believe that they have to choose sides between the Democratic Crips or the Republican bloods or else. Some of us have decided to remain neutral and to remain outside of either gang! Membership in either gang means that eventually you the individual will loose!
Who would disagree that the American elections process is functioning improperly or that it is continuing on a downward spiral, that is unless its sole purpose is to put anyone in office, whether they are qualified or not to be President of the United States? If that is the case, it is working just fine. Prior to the past 8 years, for 2 centuries, Americans spent most of their time voting, with a few noble exceptions, white racists into office, and now it is incompetents that are being placed into office, regardless of color or ethnicity! One can only wonder, what's next? Given the strong showing by women during this cycle, perhaps by 2012 the women will rescue the nation from grossly incompetent males and the spinning out of control election process!
During the previous two election cycles, 2004 and 2008, Republican American voters failed to run a qualified candidate for the office of the resident, and they elected with the help of cross-over democrats and independent voters a sub par candidate. After nearly two terms in office, George Bush has proved that he is no more qualified to be President of the United States today than he was when he was elected in 2000, and re-elected in 2004. In fact, it would appear that he has decompensated if that were at all possible!
Then Democratic American voters, not to be undone during this current election cycle, voted to elect a nominee on their side their inchoate and unqualified version of a George Bush . If you hadn’t noticed, I have left Senator McCain out of the discussion thus far because I believe that he is qualified for the office of the President. And isn’t it ironic that the same Republicans who placed unqualified George Bush into office, are not supporting in droves a qualified Senator John McCain?
Not only has Senator John McCain served with honor, for decades, in the United States Senate; he also has proven battle scars in Washington DC as well as broad based understanding about how Washington and the world works - and most of all he has a heart for the American people over party politics. George Bush when he ran for office couldn’t even name the heads of state of most nations in the world, I doubt whether he can do so now. Senator Obama, who has served in Washington DC for approximately 3 years, has spent half of his time in the Senate out on the campaign trail.
What is wrong with America and Americans, and how does any of what we have witnessed over the past 8 years make any sense? Democrats will vote for anyone and will encourage anyone else that they can to vote for a candidate whether he has any qualifications or experiences that would qualify him to be President or not. Republicans over the past two elections and in response to the 8 years of the Clinton candidacy were joined with cross-over Democratic voters that helped them to defeat the Clintons, and nearly 8 years later the majority of Americans are suffering as a result of their decision debacle.
It makes you wonder whether or not Americans are making a true assessment of what is at stake for individual Americans, America, their children and the world. And what is at stake is not only the present, but also the future. Are Americans truly concerned about security, not only security from the threat of invading nations or enemies of the American state, but how about the quality of secured life for their children and for all of the rest of us? And speaking of that, would we turn our homes other to the most unqualified child to manage the house while we were away from home? Then why are some Americans willing to commit a similar debacle when it comes to the nation at large by selecting yet another unequipped candidate? Haven't those Americans learned anything over the past 8 years?
Repeating of the behavior of the past 8 years during the current election cycles gives me great concern, it ranks right up there with the pedestrian definition of insanity. American voters need to wake up for it appears to this writer that some Americans are simply repeating the mistakes of the past and for that matter the present. If it is true that perhaps 100 million Americans, who were eligible to vote during the 2004 general election, elected not to participate or were kept from participating, one has to wonder why? Could it be that those voters recognize that the American elections process is mostly a sham or a failed enterprise?
Let’s face it, what do you get for your trouble? It would appear that you will get chameleon-like say whatever they have to unqualified or underqualified candidates who simply want to receive the heralded and hard sought after nomination, along with their group of supporters that without conscience or doing their homework simply voted because they wanted to defeat the candidate or incumbent candidate that is running for the other side. In my mind that makes both the underqualified and unqualified candidates that are running for office, and the ones who vote for unqualified candidates both suspect.
Whatever the outcome, I would conclude that the ones who vote irresponsibly should suffer the consequences for their specious voting practices, but not the rest of us. If this trend is to continue in America, it is time for the rest of us to consider another method for finding and crowning our American leaders, the current method is not working. The audacity of hope (confident expectation), has been replaced with the audacity of arrogance by the underqualified and unqualified candidates who are running for office, and by many of the American voters who vote for them! Muhammad Ali said it best years ago when he proffered: Not just anyone can be President.
What the past 8 years have proven, is that Americans do not take the office of the President seriously, at least not until there is a crises. Getting elected, and having what it takes to do the job ought to be what truly matters in all of her minds!
Peace & Grace
Reverend C. Solomon
Addenda: Who is this registered independent voter casting his vote for; I am exploring qualified 3-rd party candidates. And for those who will say that ultimately your vote will not count because your candidate will not be electable I simply say, and what has your vote counted for these past 8 years, and what will it count for over the next 4 years? Whatever the case, I have the audacity to vote neither for the Democratic Crips or the Republican Bloods!
Jun 26, 2008
Woman Power In A Majoritarian Society And The Birth of a New Son And A New Nation!
Woman Power In A Majoritarian Society!
Arguably, among the most powerful individuals in America today are Oprah Winfrey, Senator Hillary Clinton, Representative Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State and former NSA Director Condoleeza Rice, Mrs. Obama and the woman who bore Senator Obama, his mother. Politics in America will never be the same, and all male and female misogynists should beware.
Given the success of the Hillary Clinton campaign which went toe to toe with the power of Oprah, although it would appear that Oprah may have won this round, things are about to change in America forever. The fact of the matter is that all of these women won, and womanhood in America prevailed because of their combined, although at times vying against each other contributions.
No matter who wins the election on the Democratic side (and remember the Democratic convention hasn’t taken place yet and keep in mind Hillary only suspended her campaign, she could still be drafted as unlikely as that might appear right now), the women won, evening by putting Senator Obama in the position that he is in now. If he wins, he wins because of women, and as far as the future is concerned politics and a woman’s place in American society from this day forward will never be the same.
Women represent the majority and now their voices will be heard. Don’t be surprised, given that it almost happened this time when in the future the entire Federal Government and most of its department heads will be exclusively female. I cannot wait to see what will take place leading up to the 2008 election, when all of these women join forces to produce 21st American century leadership. The folks over at the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) weren’t expecting things to go this way!
The women won! Hillary won the popular vote. Senator Obama’s mom produced the first official black Presidential nominee from the Democratic Party, and possibly America’s first part-African President. It may or may not be considered the Immaculate Conception, but on the other hand it seems apropos that America’s first looked upon Black President would be produced by both black and white parents – it speaks to the struggle between the two races.. Perhaps we are making progress! I’m sure that Jesse Helms, Strom and other historical white racists must be turning over and over again in their graves.
Mrs. Obama stood up and showed her strength by telling the nation just how she felt given a sense of sadness and accomplishment, and look out for her; we haven’t heard the last of her. And Dr. Rice and Dr. Pelosi will be key players for years to come.
Why am I happy for these and other women? I am pleased for the same reasons that I have been regarding slavery, racism and other forms of oppression, to the extent that they have all been destroyed. Women have been oppressed for too long!
Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Addenda: And speaking of Birth of a Nation, this is not what was intended by our American predecessors or the maker of the film!
Follow On To Know The Truth: Our Predecessors Did Not Have A Monopoly on Truth!
Rev writes to faithinactiononline.com, in response to comments by E-Double.
The Bible was never written to be taken literally.
According to Tony Browder, author and lecturer, “the book we have come to know as the Bible is actually a compilation of 66 books”, “‘written by 66 authors over a period of 2000 years.”‘
Among the writers assigned to write one of the books was William Shakespeare. According to Tony Browder, Shakespeare was forbidden by King James to publicize his involvement with the writing project. He found a clever way of hiding his “signature” within the material.
If you look at Psalm 46 (in King James version), you will note the 46th word from the beginning of the psalm is “shake,” and the 46th word from the end of the psalm is “spear.”
One basic truth about the Bible is that it was written in code. These codes encompass allegories, symbolism and numbers.
Rev. C. Solomon Says:
Never was intended is a bit too strong from my point of view, and therefore I would have to take issue with your conclusion that the canon was never written to be taken literally’, although I agree with why you arrived at your conclusion that it should not always be taken literally. Among other things, it has been tampered with!
Most historical information to the contrary points to the fact that Emperor Constantine and others like him had a motive for expecting the canon to be taken literally within their universes. Constantine for instance would not have gone to all of the trouble to have the canon compiled and to have the original copies strategically placed as he did and taught to the people, had he not intended for it to be taken literally.
In fact, I believe that the word of God was intended to be taken literally. The real challenge for scholars and believers today is to determine what the word of God is and what was added, deleted, co-opted, copied…and left out in the sacrosanct canon!
Unfortunately, most believers have been and are still being taught that the indefensible canon is the unadulterated word of God from cover to cover. We know better, but most ministers are afraid to tamper with historical teachings that lack verity and in many instances manuscript support.
Isn’t it sad when we cannot have an open discussion about what someone wrote or claims to have been true! I subscribe to 1 Thess 5:21…prove it!
What is frightening is what happened to men like Galileo and Jesus for that matter when they dared to challenge the religious status quo. We need to be more forthright and say, you know a fuller disclosure has shown that…., so that people can get back to worshipping God and seeking God, and not the will of the canon or Constantine, Erasmus and others.
Unfortunately, many Christians have become what they have criticized in this sense. Christians have openly labeled the Jews, accusing them of being stuck in dispensational theology, in their case the Mosaic Law.
Christians are stuck as well in their own form of Dispensational Christian Law, I believe, having outsourced their responsibility for pursuing full disclosure and having leaned too heavily on unproven, outdated, unverified, conflicting…sources, source materials, conclusions and paradigms!
I believe that the scientific community will soon embarrass the church, debunk and disprove much religious dogma and overthrow the faith of those who should have believed in God instead of what someone who may not have spoken for God after all wrote! How about the ongoing study of endocrinology, genetics, epigenetics as they all relate to homosexuality and other human conditions, or people who were born that way, made that way or chose to be that way.
Get ready, for we are about to find out who did sin and who did not sin at all that has resulted in such conditions like intersex people! The belief of some Christians will be destroyed in an instance.
The upside will be that we can get back to learning and to release the former shackles. The old model was that there exists this great cosmic contest whose objective is to determine who can believe the most, based on what unknown and untested figures wrote! That’s not good! We all once believed in Santa Claus I suppose! I suspect that what we refer to as God, happens to be even bigger than the God of Christianity, Islam, Judaism….combined!
When will we simply learn to say that at times we are wrong, or that we didn’t do our homework and simply accepted what someone else wrote or said?
It would be grand if more ministers would participate in Reverend Brown’s blog, called Faith in Action and voice your opinion, it is truly inspiring!
Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Addenda: Jesus was controversial, don’t be afraid to ask, test or challenge!
Jun 25, 2008
The Divided States of America & Senator Obama: What Kind of Person Wants To Be President?
Here's a thought: Since Iraq (Babylon) is being occupied and run by the United States of America, and soon to be a western democracy, now can they have WMDS? Tee hee hee!
I simply cannot imagine why anyone would want to be President of the divided states of America? I suspect that those who do are either misguided, naive or clamorous of the idea of presiding over a nation that possesses super nuclear-capabilities sufficient enough to destroy the rest of the world.
And that is exactly what you would get if you were to become President, and not only that you would he the head of a nuclear armed nation that reminds other nations that it disfavors everyday that if you were to develop even one nuclear weapon, either the United States itself or its 51st state Israel would destroy you using their WMDs.
It begs the question that if other nations cannot have nukes, why won’t the USA (and apparently Israel) get rid of their own? Oh I know, the General Assembly voted and it was approved in the Security Council that certain nations would be allowed to have nuclear capabilities and others would not? Has anyone noticed that there have been other nations that have violated that agreement with the full approval of the United States of America?
My own country amazes me; America is not the only hypocritical nation in the world – but we reserve the prize for being the most hypocritical of them all. The nation of Iraq is living proof of American hypocrisy. Iraq had about as much WMD when the USA invaded, as the United States possessed in the 19th Century, and still the USA used that as a pretext to ignore the will of the United Nations and many American citizens to take down a country and its leaders and to occupy a once sovereign nation that hadn’t done a thing to the USA.
And what was even worse was that certain individuals in this nation, not just Mr. Bush, treated you as if you the one that was crazy because you spoke up about American duplicity and injustice, but there’s nothing new there is it?
For some Americans, the golden prize is to become President and to rule over this mess, for even the nascent Senator from Illinois cannot wait to preside over such an inane American policy which has pitted other nations of the world against each other, and suppressed nations that are not of America’s liking in the Americas and around the world. Some Americans believe that Obama is going to change the way that things have been historically done in America, the same Americans don’t even pretend to believe that Senator McCain intends to change anything. Senator Obama neither has the power nor the will to change business as usual in the United States, apparently. He is still threatening Hamas and Hezbollah.
Which of the two Senators is worse for wear, and will do the best job of presiding over business as usual, you decide, for we are all familiar with the old saying, the more things change the more they stay the same? It seems to me that if you were a person of character and you were pursuing the job knowing that you will be forced by the weight of the fearful and ubiquitous American people to maintain the status quo, then you must have your head on backwards. It is time for America to take its foot off of other nations like Cuba and Iran, and how about the Palestinian people and others?
America is still smarting about the Iranians having captured Americans and held them hostage during Jimmy Carter’s Administration. And hardly any Americans ask, well what were we doing in their country in the first place? Hail to the Chief, he or she must have a marble loose somewhere – I don’t expect anything to change any time soon, in fact it might things may get worse!
Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Addenda: And with respect to who wants to be President? The Answer is, I guess somebody has to do it, particularly someone who believes in American lies and doublespeak!
Jun 21, 2008
A Likely Scenario: And Why Obama Should Not Have Been Put Up Prematurely!
A Likely Scenario:
When I was in the 5th or 6th grade in a Mid-Western elementary school, our black teacher Mr. Reaves actually discussed the issue of race, briefly, with our mixed-race class. One of the white female students broke in and expounded; black people are the largest minority so I don’t see what they’re complaining about. Somehow in her mind being the largest translated somehow into being a good thing.
How did the rest of us respond? Well I can only speak for myself – at the time I didn’t know in what way the term minority related to the black community! Where I grew up, as a black American, I and my fellow blacks were not minorities. In fact we were the majority. Even in our classroom and neighborhood, she was the minority!
That was not the only unusual incident to occur. One day we took a quiz during a language arts or history class I don’t recall which. There was a question posed on the test which has caused me great concern until this day, speaking of a relevant curriculum. The question was of the kind that often appeared on Intelligence tests that had been used to prove over and that African-Americans were intellectually inferior. Other questions like, A Church is a quiet place, often tripped up black youngsters. The churches that I attended were far from quiet.
The question posed simply asked ‘what is our ethnic origin’? I am certain that all of the white kids in the class aced that question, because their ancestors were as one of the choices on the quiz indicated, Anglo-Saxons. But where was the proper category for me?
Since it was a ‘multiple-guess’ question, I looked for a category, either A, B, C or D that described me as an African-America. Dudes, there was none! So black kids had to answer that we were Anglo-Saxons. Well, I certainly protested, and the teacher explained that we were to answer according to the categories listed on the test; we were Anglo-Saxons at least in her class. Should I be angry with that teacher? Perhaps she didn’t know any better and really believed it (she was white), or on the other hand she may have been making an attempt at inclusion, hoping to make the black students feel that we were a part by making us feel that we had an Anglo heritage. Granted, some of us are of mixed heritage, but Anglo-Saxon, that was quite a stretch!
How do I work these two scenarios together in this writing that has to do with Senator Obama's attempt at being President of the United States? I suspect that either way, whether Senator Obama prevails or not, the black community is going to loose - for if he were to become President Obama, just like my classmate who I first mentioned, the attitude of many whites and non-whites around the world will this, see America elected a black President, so what are they complaining about now? The other scenario happens to be, what if Senator Obama fails in his bid to elected President of the USA; there is a laundry-list of possibilities that we could examine if that likely or unlikely event were to occur – I don’t know if he will prevail or not.
The first female or minority President will have to do an above average job or that’s it I believe, lights out, and it will be a long time before a minority or female candidate will be given serious consideration. The fact of the matter is that it is he who controls the narrative, and whoever has the ear of the President will decide what will take place in America if either Senator Obama or Hillary Clinton were to become President. Come back, I know you just checked the date to see when I wrote this piece. Relax, Senator Obama won the Democratic Nomination, however, what has been lost on Americans is that Senator Clinton has not given up – she only suspended her election campaign; the door is still ajar. There is still a remote chance of Senator Clinton being drafted during the Democratic Convention., my fingers are crossed!
The likely scenario I that will occur if Senator Obama wins is this, if Obama becomes President and fails, black Americans can forget it. Another black man, even if he has Scotch-Irish or Teutonic blood in him for that matter will never survive a Primary Election cycle again, at least not in the near future. The skinny on that candidate will be, well remember the failed Obama presidency from 2008 to 2012! In dialoging with many individuals in the black community I have concluded that Senator Obama is not the problem, the black community is a bigger problem. Emotion won out over logic, and like the Democratic Congress who was at first for Hillary and then switched to Obama, many in the black community were for Hillary, about 95% I’ve heard, and then all of them like a shifting tidal wave suddenly switched to Senator Obama.
Well that tells me that not a lot of thought went into their decision. Like their Democratic Congress ional Representatives, I have been a registered independent voter for some time now, black Americans jumped ship, and still Hillary won the popular vote. I made an error previously in placing too much emphasis on Senator Obama being an unqualified candidate just as George H. Bush was at the time. I can see that the real issue is a group of supporters many of which will be referring to him as Uncle Tom, right around March 2008, if he were to prevail, and they don’t get what they want. President Clinton was America’s first black President some say, it would appear that some will be referring to a President Obama as America’s first Uncle Tom President.
More and more I realize that he is going to be less of a problem than the people who voted for him are going to be; what an interesting admixture! We will have to wait to see what will happen of course. However, short of death or dismemberment to Senator Obama, I am still hoping for a miracle at the bottom or top of the 9th inning - and that the most qualified candidate to toss their hat in the ring over the past 8-years will still be elected President of the United States, a woman named Senator Hillary Clinton!
Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Addenda: You cannot place all of the blame on naive Democratic voters who similar to Republican voters that had been frustrated with President Bill Clinton’s 8 years in office overwhelmingly voted for President Bush twice, Democratic voters have been just as frustrated with President Bush – Independents have also been frustrated with Mr. Bush, too many voters have lost their moral compass if they ever had one and would vote for Arnold the Pig if he could simply an election. There is no honor in that! And for Democrats to repeat both mistakes again, including following the lead of their swinging-back and forth Democratic Congress in their repast, tells me that Democarats are no more astute, politically, than their Republican counterparts happen to be or ever were for that matter!
Jun 20, 2008
Rev Challenges Westhea for Abdicating His Role as An Educator & Being Too Close To the American version of Black Janjeweed Marauders!
At times it would appear that westhea has joined the America black, elect Obama or else, Janjeweed! To my way of thinking, Westhea has sinned against his called-purpose, instead of breeding understanding and love; he has created a forum where other individuals can spew hatred. I cannot find a place on his site where he has attempted to employ healing, or to teach those who harbor hatred, particularly of their own kind, to grow in love or understanding and to heal. He has that in common with the Klan and other secularist groups – he has unwittingly endorsed and become what he claims to be against!
Okay, now it is crystal clear that you are Caucasian! There are some things that you can do about self-hatred, learn to love yourself as you are, because it is not totally your fault (I suppose) that you are what you have become!
tbioku - And they have been telling us for all of these years in school that prehistoric Crogmagnon, Neanderthal, Australopithecines and Hominids went extinct. Obviously, the paleoscientists have not encountered you yet. You are living proof that creatures from the Pleistocene era still walk the Earth, assuming that you are bipedal.
Have you found your own lost soul? Remember your soul was long lost since the day you and other uncle Toms and aunt Jemimas decided to attack the Black race by defending the atrocities committed by the white race. Asshole, which argument is better put together than this?
What dog? Are you fucking retarded?
Actually, I have spanked your f***ing a** many times over, white racist mole/Uncle Tom. Go figure, a**hole!
tbioku, The dyslexic agnostic spent his whole lifetime searching for dog, my question to you is - did you find it?
Can't you put an argument together?
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. That is what is written in the bible, the Holy Quaran...! You lost your soul somewhere, you need to go back and try to find it. If you had an ounce of character like Tavis, you would be a much bigger person than you appear to be now. GET IN THE REAL WORLD and clean your heart before you do!
revlonsolomoncosmetic;revloncosmeticsolomon;revere ndsolomoncunt,
A**hole, f***ing cunt, white racist mole/Uncle Tom! I tell you what -- someday, you and Tavis would be called zeros! Watch!
Thank you, for tbioku is proof that we might be failing in our quest to rescue mankind from moral depravity. Of late I have the feeling that tbioku might be white, and a person who is simply stirring up strife. President Carter said at the Coretta Scott King funeral that Dr. Martin Luther King was the embodiment of all that America claimed to stand for, freedom et al...! I am proud of our black American icons. Even the ones that I may not agree with politically deserve respect!
Bravo Tavis
Bravo revcsolomon
Tavis is an unsong hero who like many other accomplished black Americans deserves our respect. The Janjaweed brothers on this site who are supporting a mixed candidate, themselves (these half-Toms) while calling other blacks Toms, are symptomatic of what is wrong in black America. They only know how to destroy black icons. How dare any of these former cast-members of the move spoof Barbershop persist in their folly? How pathetic and churlish they happen to be?
My day has been made; I have been called a 'white racist'. I told you that you were confused. I predict that I will sit in Obama's seat in a few years in this sense. He alleged that he was against the Iraq war, and most Americans believed that he voted against it in the US Senate, even though he did not. Today he views himself as a champion for standing up against the masses. Well, I'm standing against the torrential currents to say scrutinize Obama - someday, you will be calling me a hero!
Hello, white racist mole/Uncle Tom.
Good for you Tavis!! From a long time admirer
It was not being done exclusively for you anyway, I trust that your respondent got my point!
Rev, I tire of this conversation between you and I about me. I have said what must be said about this matter. There is nothing else to be said. It is now on to other matters. Thank you for the engaging dialogue.
The magnanimous thing would be for me to pretend that I have misunderstood the thrusts of your many missives. However, the fact remains that you have not used your site to build consensus, you have done the opposite. Your decision to label certain individuals as 'the dogs of hell', a literary reference as I recall, proves that you have written off certain individuals and injected your own Damoclean sword squarely into their rib cages! That is bad 'praxis', what spirit are you really of?
We are supposed to be making an effort to reverse this trend. I wonder if James Brown or Sammy Davis were alive today, or better yet how about comedian Cheryl Underwood a Republican - would or should these icons be run into ground? Our people should be told to reject the behavior of racist whites who once referred to their own people who supported blacks as nig lovers. Now blacks are turning on blacks who elect not to support a black, calling them white lovers! What are you doing about it?
Rev, once again, I have said all to be said with regards to Tavis. Tavis will be alright and continue to be a warrior for black causes.
It's quite alright for you to "believe" what you will. You act as though this "turn on their own" just became a new phenom.
The fact that Obama is of mixed ethnic heritage seems to bother you. It has not gone unnoticed how you bring it up and, on occasions, in a very naughty way.
It's larger than Tavis and symptomatic of a deeper racial discordant divide that persists in our community. I believe you have been infected. Why is it that an election cycle with a mixed Scotch-Irish/African has resulted in such disaffection with some in the community, causing them to turn on their own? Tavis is merely a representative of a much deeper underlying ethos, fear perhaps. The other day I was told by an Obama supporter that he lifts people-are you lifting people or pimping Obama?
Rev, thanks for your opinion that I am "misusing" my "calling". I think not.
The "pimping" of the Black masses shall no longer happen without "hot coals of fire upon the heads" of those who deems it lucrative to do so.
Rev, "trust" is relative to individuals. There those who do not have the capacity to trust.
You're yet bemoaning Tavis. Get over it. Bob Johnson is another matter. He promoted some very bad things when he owned BET and it affected Blacks throughout the world. He then attempted to denigrate Obama. My position shall not change with regards to him until he does what’s appropriate. Atonement does not come without individual remorse and then repentance. Talk to Bob.....
Rev, most people find what they seek to find. Have you looked at the hundreds of videos on this channel? Do you know when I correct certain contributors? Do you know when I ban certain individuals? I will not spend the time to convince you of these things, it distracts from my purpose.
The Apostle who once felt that he was serving the Almighty was busy having God's elect rounded-up, imprisoned and murdered. And one day this zealous religious man was brought down himself for interrogation and arrogation, nearly face to face, by the Almighty. One probative question turned him around forever, it was: Why are you persecuting me? When you do it unto the least of God's little ones, you do so unto him! Perhaps like Paul or J. Swag, you have sinned in miscuing your calling!
Has nature selected Bob Johnson to be 'the example' of capitalist excess? You and I know better than that! The fact of the matter is that consumerism is a disease that affects all Americans and it is a pathogen that is spreading around the world. As you know already, consumerism is certainly a component of capitalism. Certainly there are other figures that you, not nature, could have selected. So what is you real issue with black American Bob Johnson? I'm the student, teach me why Bob?
This is an area that still troubles me. Aren't you, a man that has been provided with gifts and gifting, violating a trust? The Klan and other secularist groups behave in the same manner; haven't you unwittingly become what you claim to be against? Minister Farrakhan has taught about atonement over the years. Where is the spirit of atonement when it comes to Tavis, Bob and others? Why are these people being pilloried on your site, while like Paul their clothes are being lain at your feet?
There is something bothering me! So let's ratchet up the heat a bit and explore in the area of intent. To my way of thinking, you have sinned against your called-purpose, for instead of breeding understanding and love; you have created a forum where other individuals can spew hatred. I cannot find a place on his site where you have attempted to employ healing or to teach those who harbor hatred, particularly of their own kind, to grow in love or understanding or to heal. continue...
Rev, I have posted the purpose and objective. There is a litany of videos from which millions can deduce where I am, going or might go. You know the old saying, "what you see is what you get". Do you not see me and hear me?
I am to the individual what the depth, the knowledge and the experiences of that individual allows me to be. I have nothing more to say on that matter.
Rev, yes, I have left no illusions with regards to Bob Johnson's rabid capitalist mindset, so "predictable" I am in this regard. I am who I am and feel free to post this to your personal blog. Being accused goes with the territory and I handle it just as I handle your accusations.
Yes, people grow and some devolve. It's important to determine which.
Revcsolomon said:
Let's apply the Socratic method? Is the purpose of your site to provide a forum for other tergiversators to castigate and character assassinate their sisters and brothers, or does it have an enantiomorphic intent? I was told before spiritually that Our Theme - Ought to be - To pursue different passions - For Different People. Submit to questioning westhea, what is your overarching theme or purpose for this site? The purpose of dialectical materialism is to arrive at synthesis!
Your conclusion is predictable - your mind is made up; there isn't a chance of illumination! Are you the moral arbiter of the Universe? Who are you to judge Bob Johnson - are you the elusive perfect man? Some in your inner and outer circle would likely accuse you, and mischaracterize your intentions. The Almighty, the Universe, the Sovereignty, the Unifying Principle, the God Equivalent and Nature have always preselected imperfect individuals - they selected you, people grow and so will you!
I have also defended Tavis where it was necessary to do so.
With regards to "teaching", far more is done that you do not see in words here. My position remains the same with regards to Bob Johnson. Therefore, I suggest that you not belabor it.
Rev, I do not put the total strategy on display. As it is written, let "the tare grow with the wheat". There will come a time to fix that. Wisdom, my friend.
Aren't you being a bit histrionic and disingenuous? I cannot believe that you have suddenly lapsed into a fugue state, that you have suddenly misremembered all of the attacks on black leaders that have occurred so far on your site. Mea Culpa? I think not. You folks have been attacking Tavis from the onset, then on to BET founder Bob Johnson...? Shouldn't you be teaching these young rioters to stop destroying their own neighborhood - their best friend’s lives there?
I have simply recognized that you, an erudite black man, have not attempted to upgrade the thinking of some who have written into your site? Clearly you are called to be an educator, why aren't you educating these people... why have you abdicated your calling? Some of your writers remind me of blacks who destroyed their own communities during America's riotous historical past. These folks never ventured across town to fight their enemies. Some of your folks are staying too close to home!
Rev, you're acting like "Jeckel & Hyde". One moment you are praising the pleasant conversation and the next, you're hitting me in the kneecaps with your bat.
Rev, please name the specific "black icons" that you assert I have mischaracterized in a "venal" manner. Your mischaracterization of me is a bit hilarious and I will not spend anytime defending myself. What I present speaks for itself.
And Westhea, it is our responsibility as educators to educate. Why have you abandoned your role? Why aren't you teaching instead of joining in with a phalanx of misdirected haters of black American icons, who happen to share a difference of opinion? In the legal profession, you know that you could be disbarred given your effluent conflict of interest. Were you white, you and some of yours would be John Birchers, Klan people of members of white militias. Teach Weathea what is right!
westhea, What is exactly that you want, and why do you standby and or lend ear to such venal mischaracterizations and attempts to destroy black icons. You remind me a lot of Judge Thomas as I view your picture. You are of the hue and countenance like his, that not only black-people disparaged, but many whites did too. Thomas suffered at the hands of blacks and whites. What did you suffer that has caused you to seek to elevate yourself at the expense of other black people? What do you want?
What is wonderful about our back and forth discussions are that we have proven that two brothers can disagree respectfully, in deference to Cain who slew his brother over an issue - we have not attempted to kill the other. Let's teach our brothers to do the same and to eliminate the mischaracterizations and denouement of other black Americans who have made unboding sacrifices to serve the black nation in America! The first man and likely the last man to die will do so over over a denominational issue!
Rev, well stated!
Not even the Prophet Mohammed, the Honorable Elijah Mohammed, Mahatmas Gandhi, Jesus Christ, an existentialist or a New Ager would agree with your fatalistic conclusion. You often speak in terms of absolutes, there is no give. Once your mind is made up, facts are irrelevant. It often takes time for humans to experience an epiphany or conversion - who are you to judge? Every soul is worth something, and if every soul would save a soul, every soul would be saved -if only his or her own!
Did you see Senator Obama's military advisory team, no brothers? I suspect that we are going to see a lot more of this in other areas, as time goes by!
I approve this message: Rev. C. Solomon
Rev, he's not president yet. These are not cabinet members.
What he has demonstrated so far is indicative of where he is headed if he were to become President. And for the first time, you have delved into the real world and admitted, contrary to what you guaranteed before - he is not President!
I am pleased to hear that you are sobering up and have decided to 'GET IN THE REAL WORLD'! If it turns out that Obama is using black voters, in the manner that black voters are using him then it will be a fete compli or for you a fete a compli!
LOL.... I do not underestimate myself with regards to Obama. This is a tug-of-war. The other side is going to pull at Obama but we will put forward the better choices and be more convincing. We also have Michelle.......
Rev, I agree, people have the right to choose and I have not expressed anything otherwise. If so, please feel free to show me where this was the case.
Rev, it's that 10% where you, like Glen Ford, blows up. I cannot travel that path with you.
It is a waste of energy to spend 4 centuries convincing certain "dogs of hell" that they are "racist" haters. The energy is best spent leveraging the black collective strengths. The end result of spending nearly 4 centuries trying to convince where there is no need to convince only produces anger. The end product of that has been an increase in black youth yearning for direction and focus.
You made derogatory comments about me with respect to the late Dr. King. During black history month I was blessed to meet and spend time with his speechwriter and legal counsel, Mr. Clarence Jones. I have nothing but respect for Dr. King's contribution and the contribution of other historical figures. When you folks, who have done nothing, try to tear them down it makes my blood boil, thus the Janjeweed reference. Your attitudes seem to be, we are right, scorched earth for everyone else!
Rev., stop the nonsense about someone tearing down Dr. King. Stop worshipping the dead. As it is written, "let the dead bury the dead". In other words, deal with the "Urgency of Now". You and Glen Ford might be good as talking buddies. More on him later.......
I made one simple reference to Dr. King and you have unfairly turned my comments into something else. It is you and your followers who have attacked our historical black icons, I only see the need to defend them. The present, as you referred to it, represents plurality and right for all Americans to select and vote for candidates who they feel can best do the job without being the recipients of juvenile race-baiting and derogatory name calling. You are an erudite man, but apparently an angry
Rev, I am not angry at you nor anyone else. Dr. King must be respected but it is not wise to dwell on the past, as if the current has not leveraged from the past and brought you something better. "Race-baiting" and "name calling".....?
I have recognized a disturbing trend among some black Obama supporters, frankly, some of them remind me of the white racists who saw to our oppression for so many years. Those racists terrorized their white counterparts in order to ensure that white supremacy would thrive in deference to white liberals. This name calling and disparaging of black icons who have a difference of opinion, by calling them names, is no different. And, it’s nothing new. Many blacks believe that MLK was a Tom!
Rev, as you know, those who understand the full breadth of Dr. King knows that he was not a "Tom", just as I know Obama isn't a "Tom". Obama's current "public" position with regards to Iran, Israel, and HIV/AIDS are very different. However, I realize that I have the strength and patience to reshape his opinion and/or the opinion of some of those around him. Therefore, I need not be shrill about my disagreements with him
Correct, neither of the two are Tom's. However, when I consider the vehemence and denouement by you and others who have written in with respect to black icons, who have done nothing else but scrutinize Mr. Obama just as some of you are scrutinizing them-it concerns me that you folks are so anti-black. We do not live in a communist dictatorship. They have a right to choose! The most important thing that I can say to you and some of your harsher critics of black icon is: WE ARE BROTHERS!
Rev, I agree, people have the right to choose and I have not expressed anything otherwise. If so, please feel free to show me where this was the case.
Westhea, you are a master escape artist; go back and read some of your own threads. I can only wonder if the tables would have been turned and some of the names mentioned would have initially supported Senator Obama, what would you have ever said about them? Clearly, you and some of your writers have deep antipathy towards Bob Johnson and others! It is amazing that black Americans typically vote in a 95% voting black, however, when you get right down to the LCD, blacks mistrust other blacks!
Proving that you are wrong about anything is nearly impossible based upon the experiences that I have had with you. I'm not mad at you - most people are like that. Besides, proving you wrong has never been my objective. Again, I am simply trying to engage in political discourse, and by talking to someone who believes 90%, apparently, as I do, but has some differences of opinions helps me to crystallize my thinking. Blacks spent nearly 4 centuries trying to convince whites that are racist!
Rev, what have you personally done to get me where I am? You do not know my history or that of my parents. You assume much and then pass judgment. Hillary is no longer a candidate. Stop your pity party and get over it. There is a new generation that shall now lead America. Either counsel rightly or get out of the way.
And who haven't you and yours attacked that have not gone along with your narrow and short-sighted folly and positions on almost everything. One simple question could solve this entire discussion, what have you done but to rant, rave, attack? Where is your contribution to the culture? I have a record? What is yours other than to refer to the foxes of hell, Toms, old heads - my God! Senator Obama is next, for when 'you people' don't get what you want, you will be going after him as well!
Rev, whatever you have done that has been beneficial to humanity, I applaud. I need not provide you with a litany of my actions towards the benefit of all. I assure you, it is local as well as international.
I have already gone after Obama.
Any way you attempt to translate, Yeshua does not translate to Jesus in any language. It translates moreso to Zeus.
My point is that you must focus more on the relevancy of reality, not that which is dead. You build upon that which came before you, not allow it to make you stagnant.
Like many, you have created your own language as well as your own parameters. If you know anything about patois, regional dialects, you would know that not only the pronunciations but the spellings of names differ. George, Jorge or John or Juan or Johanine and on and on..., which one is correct. Answer. It is correct when Westhea decides that it is correct. Now back to the subject, you folks cannot fix a problem unless you someday fix your own problem - and it is metastasizing!
Rev, we are not talking about Jorge (hore-hey) or any of the other examples you have presented. We are talking about you being tripped up by your former masters with the false name of "JESUS". Academically, you know I am correct but you cannot show the courage and humility to acknowledge it. This is the problem with some of the older blacks. True self-esteem is the ability to acknowledge ones ignorance so as to move forward.
"Correct when Westthea decides that it is correct"
Rev, the above are your words. You're having a difficult time proving where I am wrong. You are emotional because your candidate lost and, therefore, metastasize the younger generation of blacks who are now seizing their leadership role in the affairs of America. Desist from the "crab mentality" so prevalent among your generation.
I was thinking, when Senator Obama understands the composition of his army, many hatemongers and irreverent ingrates, that like Gideon he is in for a big surprise. Then I remembered, he didn't respect his pastor or the civil rights leaders who fought to get him where he is either. You all make up one great big irreverent, elitist, presumptuous, cocky and arrogant group of individuals who have not been taught, but somehow you want to be teachers and leaders. You don't follow, how can you lead?
, spare me the rhetoric. You cannot judge the younger generation as you do without judging yourself. Elders are for counsel, not direct battle. If ones counsel is not sound then that person should remove his or herself from the equation. If you don't help, don't hinder. I am very clear about this
The deep pathology that persists in the black community is no laughing matter, you have proved that. You have also confirmed my original feelings that some supporters in the Obama party are harbingers of the same spirit that persists in the Talib of Afghanistan. You young hot-heads want to take over the house, and all that you will do given your untested ideas, elitism and presumptuousness is to destroy the house! You simply want the old heads to get out of the way. The old - know the way!
Some "old - know the way", others reflect why so many youth are lost. Yes, there are some youth who do not have a clue. However, I will not accept your incendiary remarks that misrepresents black youth as well as Obama. You want Bob Johnson to be praised, even though he used BET as a vehicle to spread and promote smut to our youth and then cashed out for $3 billion. Yes, some "old heads" must get out of the way, they have had their day. Good counsel is respected.
Contraire old friend, what is silly is for black Americans who pretend to be for a black candidate (who is only half-black), that continue to denigrate other Americans (who happen to be black), who have served this nation for decades - because they have not been as hypocritical as some of you are being. This election proves that a deeper schism that exists in the black population needs attending. It is time to move ahead, however, we need to fix some existing problems before we can move forward!
You continue to speak foolishly. There are and always have been mixed blacks in America and it was often the result of rape. "Served this nation"? Part of the problem has been that you have served in capacities that have kept your own debilitated while you have become the wealthiest generation of blacks. This is why a segment of young blacks are angry with the sort.
Fixing those problems does not start with your attitude.
You and other ingrates are where you are today because of the unknown and unheralded work that me and others like me have done to get you where you are. Again, you behave like the Janjeweed of Darfur and the Talib in Afghanistan. That a transition will take place, we understand that - however, you and many like you need a lot of help before that transition can take place - factually you are not astute enough or seasoned enough to take over the reigns of power (Obama included)!
Rev., Dr. King is dead and many of you "old heads" didn't accept him when he was living. Move beyond worship of the dead and come into the here and now.
Is Jesus dead too?
Rev, there was no Jew with the name "Jesus". This is something your former masters taught you and you have believed it. When you call someone, you have better chances of an answer when you call with the actual name.
Now, there were some Greeks and Romans with that name.
So then is Jeshua, Johanine, Mattathias... dead or alive. Once again you are being presumptuous. And with respective to linguistics and nominatives, is your candidates name really Barack or is it Baruch, now you are being sophomoric and I gave you more credit from the onset than that!
If you think Foxx was bad, you should see what I have to say about "Pimp Daddy" Bob Johnson.
Peace & Grace,
Rev. C. Solomon
Addenda: Westhea and I have never met, except through cyberspace on the You-Tube. He is clearly an articulate and erudite gentleman, and even though we clash over certain points he has always referred to me as Reverend. I suspect that we have helped each other to grow, even though we disagree in an agreeable fashion from time to time. (Best read from the bottom up)
Senator Obama & Black Role Models: Common Sense and I Reach Consensus
Re: A spirited discussion on the Faith In Action blog www.faithinactiononline.com
Rev Solomon & a man that I know only as Common Sense, have reached common ground. Was I right? I didn’t say that. Was Common Sense wrong, I didn’t say that either? One thing that I do know is this current election cycle has strained relationships in the black community and has been responsible for opening some old wounds. The recuperative value of our discussions should be apparent.
June 12th, 2008 at 7:37 pm
@Rev. Solomon,
I know I said I would not respond to your white loving, Uncle Ruckus of the Boondocks acting tirades. That’s exactly who you are. The voice of Uncle Ruckus. You would take a bullet for Hillary, i.e. Miss Ann. You defend her tooth and nail in every post. In case you have not noticed, she lost Ruckus..er I mean Rev. Solomon. You hate Obama, myself and any black person that does not agree with you. Slavery has lasted longer in America than it hasn’t(count the years), but you are so self hating, so anti young black people that it is sad. Fine Rev., you hate black people who don’t think like you. Take some of your energy that you defend Miss Ann and use it to reach out to or understand where the next generation is coming from. A lot of us walking around now did not have to bow our heads when in the company of white people so they can’t relate. I can’t stand your constant denigration of black people. Do they still make that cream that lightens your skin??? Maybe you can back order. Check into it.
Reverend Solomon Says:
June 13th, 2008 at 3:32 pm
Common Sense (an oxymoron):
I am still waiting for you to tell me which pejorative you use to describe Senator Obama’s white relatives (his mom, grandmother and other Scotch-Irish relatives, fellow Obama non-black supporters and your mixed relatives – most of us derive from mixed ancestry). And I am also waiting for you to tell me which of the venal pejoratives you use to describe Senator Obama since he is half-white. I don’t have a problem with Senator Obama running for the office of President of the USA if he wants to run for the office of President, for just like every other American born person who is above the age of 35, he has the right to do so. You could even run for President I suppose, and clearly that would be a travesty!
Just as I did not believe that George Bush was qualified to be President (and he is Caucasian), and he proved that he was not qualified (Ambassador Alan Keyes once said: The man does not have the mental capacity to a President of the USA), he proved that on more than one occasion).
1) I simply do not feel that Senator Obama is qualified to be President (nothing in his resume demonstrates that he is), even though he meets the legal criteria which I also feel should be revisited.
2). I don’t agree with many of the positions that he has taken.
3). He has not demonstrated that he possesses the mettle to stand up to the pressure that he will be facing that often comes from those who harbor the spirit of white supremacy, or of late black supremacist citizens of America like you.
My larger problem is with nascent ‘devil on horses’ Darfur-like and supposed black-fascist supporters of Senator Obama like you”! One thing for sure, Senator Obama is not a racist, give him credit for that. But you on the other hand have done nothing but spew racial hatred given the incessant racial epitaphs that you have constantly employed on this blog in order to demonstrate your ignorance.
All you have done is to prove that so far is that you have a very serious problem, and it is clear that you don’t have ‘common sense’! Another young man like you lumped me in with Shelby Steele, Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell, Judge Thomas…, he said that all of us were Uncle Tom’s. I say to you what I said to him, then what does that make you, a half a Tom, since you support a man who is half-white. I may or may not agree with all of the positions held or taken by the form-named, however, each one of them are erudite, accomplished social contributors that I am still proud of, they have contributed something to mankind and to our race that neither you nor the young man that I referred to have done - civility and respect for other people!
I am pleased that you were not censored; we all need to engage in political discourse! The job of the elders is to teach the youngsters. My suggestion to you is to enroll in an African American studies department at a local university and get up to speed. What comes out of your mouth is a reflection of what you harbor in your heart. You really ought to seek spiritual guidance - something is wrong with your heart!
10 Common Sense Says:
June 13th, 2008 at 4:02 pm
@Rev. Solomon,
What respect have you shown Rev.? You are just as guilty as I am (worse probably) of name calling and negative statements. Most posts that I’ve written I’ve attacked your positions but not you. Now you have really denigrated yourself as a so-called Rev. Of what church?? Who ordained you??? I could be wrong but you were not back with the apostles who engaged with Jesus himself so what right do you even have to call yourself a Reverend? But then again, these days that title in many cases (not all) is equal to being a thief, pimp or hustler so in that regard it fits you. And as a so-called Rev., why do you continue to rant and rave against me?? Because I disagree with you??? Because I don’t love whites the way you do??? And then you have the nerve to quote Alan Keys?? ALAN KEYS??? Rev. the best thing you can do is think of a new scheme to rip off your congregation (the ol’ building fund racket perhaps) and continue along your course of trickeration(Rev. Don King) and flat out lunacy. You are entertainingg though.
Common Sense Says:
June 13th, 2008 at 4:04 pm
entertaining though.
Rev. C. Solomon Says:
June 14th, 2008 at 3:51 am
Common Sense (You’re worth it)
It is actually more important than mere entertainment. I would not waste my time with you if I believed that was all that I was doing, entertaining you. My real purpose for doing so is that you remind me of the Apostle Paul and other icons in scripture that God chose before the foundation of the Earth. God often choose individuals who were full of fire and misplaced zeal. Moses was a murderer along with David the womanizer and Paul (the completely misdirected religious icon initially), Peter the knife and all of the rest.
Jeremiah was conflicted over race, having issues with the skin of the Ethiopian, the same one likely who rescued him from the dungeon. Peter didn’t eat unclean things (ritual cleanliness and racial issues), and of course Miriam and Aaron had problems with African women – particularly one Ethiopian woman who captured their brother Moses’ heart. Yet, God saw something in all of them.
I took a voluntary sabbatical from parish ministry; however, when I pastored, a person like King David would not have been approved to serve in the music ministry of a church that I pastored. Yet God in ITS infinite wisdom saw something in the man.
I see something in you and many like you, you are vested and care deeply about the social conditions of this nation, our people and I believe the world. El Hajj Malik El Shabazz eventually had his epiphany and discovered who the really enemy happened to be; I believe that you will have your epiphany as well. Right now, and don’t be offended, but you remind me of “devils on horses”, ala the men of Darfur, aka the Janjiweed, sorry I can’t spell it. And what do they do, they go around mercilessly slaughtering their own people!
I have not slaughtered anyone, what I have been doing is to simply scrutinize black political candidates just as I have done with candidates from every other racial group. This is not a game, lives are at stake and if we don’t get it right, not just 300 million Americans, try 7 billion people worldwide will continue to experience unfair suffering!
13 Rev. C. Solomon Says:
June 14th, 2008 at 10:27 pm
Common Sense,
I will also leave you with this. As you likely know already Russell Simmons customarily attends the Annual Legislative Conference Meetings in Washington DC that are sponsored by our black Congresspeople. And, Shaun Puffy Combs has being doing his best to get young people involved in the political process, just as Russell and others have been doing.
We want young people involved in the political process - I am pleased to know that you are vested.
Now I am uncertain as to how you will take this tidbit; however, I could only wish that Senator Obama would show the strength of conviction that you have shown to fight for a position - even if we don’t always agree. That is what I am looking for in the junior Senator from Illinois. I am also hoping that he will reconsider some of the stances that he has already taken, or I will not vote for him! One should not compromise principle in order to seek the so-called highest elected office in the land!
14 Common Sense Says:
June 15th, 2008 at 3:18 pm
@ Rev. Solomon,
If I have offended you in any way(and I know that I have) I apologize deeply. I feel very strongly about certain things(race being one of them) and I can be very one-sided and also throw a cheap shot in when I get a chance. That is how I see the game, the war or whatever you want to call it being played. Right or wrong, I will always be pro-black but if I disagree with someone that does not automatically make them anti-black. I realize that and in my Obama euphoria (a black man on the brink of history) I may have gotten off the path of respect. Once again, I apologize for any ill will. I will close by saying that I wish yourself and any other fathers who read this bog (even if we disagree) a very, very Happy Father’s Day.
Rev. C. Solomon Says:
June 16th, 2008 at 2:54 am
Common Sense
Given what we have experienced, and what our ancestors have experienced in America, a land which I often refer to as ‘the land of the free and the home of the slave’, is it any wonder that any of us are not sensitive when it comes to racial issues?
I was watching a docudrama on television tonight. A group of blacks from the Philadelphia area, 30 or 40 of them, visited the motherland. Speaking of paradoxes, the Senegalese and others could not understand why the visiting blacks were upset given their history or experiences in America? Some of the natives told the Americans that they could only wish that they could have been enslaved, or that their ancestors had been enslaved and taken to America.
My point: I often wonder why all black Americans aren’t crazy? It is amazing that wherever we go and often whomever we talk to, other people, even our own, are always telling us that we are better off having been enslaved, brought to the land of degradation and mistreated in America. Having said that however, this was the first group that I ever heard of that was willing to change places! Given their impoverished social conditions in Africa, this group of natives explained that ‘they would prefer to be slaves in America, than to be free in their homelands’.
I understand where they are coming from given their conditions, however, isn’t it sad when people believe that a depraved social condition like slavery is preferable to being free? There are alternatives!
I attended a church service a decade ago where Bishop Carlton Pearson was the visiting keynote speaker. This mega-church was made up of a predominately white congregation. Bishop Pearson thanked the whites, during this Black History Month celebration, and their ancestors for enslaving our ancestors, explaining that if they hadn’t enslaved us, we would have never found Jesus. I wanted to pop him in the mouth, particularly when all of the white people in the church stood up and cheered and applauded after he made these ridiculous remarks!
I thought, well, he apparently never read where the Lord dispensed Phillip to meet and minister, not to enslave, the Ethiopian Eunuch. My personal opinion is that too much emphasis has been placed on Calvinism and other Western-centric religious models. Dr. Alan Keyes received similar applause and a standing ovation at a rally where he was a panelist; he too had titillated the ears of the predominately white audience, explaining how he wouldn’t loose his mind if they called him nig like other blacks would do – he practically invited white Americans to continue calling us nigs. The way he explained it, that it was not the prosecutor of the term that had the problem, but the recipient was the one who had the problem.
I know what you mean Common Sense - you’re good people, just keep fighting the fight, and simply keep in mind (and you already know this) there are good white people!
Finally, I agree with Representative Barbara Lee who spoke these words at a CBC Legislative Conference session several years ago, she said, we should stop talking about racism in America and call it what it is, white supremacy! You and I talked about her before or at least that she served on late Representative Shirley Chisholm’s election committee; she is an erudite, no-nonsense person.
And having said that, all of us know that the spirit of white supremacy is alive and well in America. At the same time all of us know that all whites are not white supremacists – they hate that spirit as much as we do. I simply love good people! Let’s keep fighting the good fight together - you didn’t harm me, I respect your willingness to fight! And let’s all toughen Obama up – he’s too weak on some very serious issues – the ones that really matter!
And thank you for your warm wishes on Father’s Day, I trust that you had a Happy Father’s Day as Well!
Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Addenda: When the current election cycle has been completed, I would propose that black Americans come together and have an honest dialog with respect to our open wounds – many of us still have them!
Jun 18, 2008
An Obama Talib Supporter Declares That Dr. Martin Luther King is Dead – Let’s Move On!
Is it necessary for Obama supporters to destroy other Americans (who happen to be black), because they chose to support Senator Hillary Clinton’s election campaign in the Primaries?
I have been discoursing with WESTHEA on YOUTUBE, given the behaviors and attitudes of WESTHEA and his supporters who have been criticizing and attempting to destroy Tavis Smiley and other Americans icons (who happen to be black), who are also true American stories. { Read from the bottom up}
I was thinking, when Senator Obama understands the composition of his army, many hatemongers and irreverent ingrates, that like Gideon he is in for a big surprise. Then I remembered, he didn't respect his pastor or the civil rights leaders who fought to get him where he is either. You all make up one great big irreverent, elitist, presumptuous, cocky and arrogant group of individuals who have not been taught, but somehow you want to be teachers and leaders. You don't follow, how can you lead?
Like many, you have created your own language as well as your own parameters. If you know anything about patois, regional dialectics, you would know that not only the pronunciations but the spellings of names differ. George, Jorge or John or Juan or Johanine and on and on..., which one is correct. Answer. It is correct when Westhea decides that it is correct. Now back to the subject, you folks cannot fix a problem unless you someday fix your own problem - and it is metastasizing!
And who haven't you and yours attacked that have not gone along with your narrow and short-sighted folly and positions on almost everything. One simple question could solve this entire discussion, what have you done but to rant, rave, attack? Where is your contribution to the culture? I have a record? What is yours other than to refer to the foxes of hell, Toms, old heads - my God! Senator Obama is next, for when 'you people' don't get what you want, you will be going after him as well!
Any way you attempt to translate, Yeshua does not translate to Jesus in any language. It translates moreso to Zeus.
My point is that you must focus more on the relevancy of reality, not that which is dead. You build upon that which came before you, not allow it to make you stagnant.
You and other ingrates are where you are today because of the unknown and unheralded work that me and others like me have done to get you where you are. Again, you behave like the Janjeweed of Darfur and the Talib in Afghanistan. That a transition will take place, we understand that - however, you and many like you need a lot of help before that transition can take place - factually you are not astute enough or seasoned enough to take over the reigns of power (Obama included)!
So then is Jeshua, Johanine, Mattathias... dead or alive. Once again you are being presumptuous. And with respective to linguistics and nominatives, is your candidates name really Barack or is it Baruch, now you are being sophomoric and I gave you more credit from the onset than that!
You continue to speak foolishly. There are and always have been mixed blacks in America and it was often the result of rape. "Served this nation"? Part of the problem has been that you have served in capacities that have kept your own debilitated while you have become the wealthiest generation of blacks. This is why a segment of young blacks are angry with the sort.
Fixing those problems does not start with your attitude.
Some "old - know the way", others reflect why so many youth are lost. Yes, there are some youth who do not have a clue. However, I will not accept your incendiary remarks that misrepresents black youth as well as Obama. You want Bob Johnson to be praised, even though he used BET as a vehicle to spread and promote smut to our youth and then cashed out for $3 billion. Yes, some "old heads" must get out of the way, they have had their day. Good counsel is respected.
Rev, there was no Jew with the name "Jesus". This is something your former masters taught you and you have believed it. When you call someone, you have better chances of an answer when you call with the actual name.
Now, there were some Greeks and Romans with that name.
revcsolomon wrote
The deep pathology that persists in the black community is no laughing matter, you have proved that. You have also confirmed my original feelings that some supporters in the Obama party are harbingers of the same spirit that persists in the Talib of Afghanistan. You young hot-heads want to take over the house, and all that you will do given your untested ideas, elitism and presumptuousness is to destroy the house! You simply want the old heads to get out of the way. The old - know the way!
Contraire old friend, what is silly is for black Americans who pretend to be for a black candidate (who is only half-black), that continue to denigrate other Americans (who happen to be black), who have served this nation for decades - because they have not been as hypocritical as some of you are being. This election proves that a deeper schism that exists in the black population needs attending. It is time to move ahead, however, we need to fix some existing problems before we can move forward!
revcsolomon wrote
Is Jesus dead too?
westthea wrote
Rev., Dr. King is dead and many of you "old heads"didn't accept him when he was living. Move beyond worship of the dead and come into the here and now.
If you think Foxx was bad, you should see what I have to say about "Pimp Daddy" Bob Johnson.
Rev, this is one of the silliest statements you have made.
revcsolomon wrote
Tavis needs to convene an emergency session on the State of the Black Union in order to discuss the issue of political-hypocrisy among light-skinned and darker hued black Americans. This odd coalition of brothas and sistahs who typically rail on each other have joined together, for now, to elect a half-white, light-skinned mixed raced American because he looks black. These Americans need to be taught to vote for a candidate because he is qualified, particularly American Janjaweed blacks.
revcsolomon wrote
foxxx, What I have been doing recently is to remind every Obama supporter, who uses disparaging names and epitahs to refer to black Americans who chose not to support the Senator, to be reminded that they are supporting a man of mixed-heritage. If other black Americans who aren't supporting Obama are House Negroes and Uncle Toms, what does that make Obama supporters who are supporting a man of mixed-heritage (black & Scotch-Irish), half-a-tom? And how do you refer to Obama's white relatives?
revcsolomon wrote
Interesting Westhea, you had nothing to say about Foxx and his disparaging caption of Bob Johnson. And factually Westhea, after Dr. King led the march through the streets of Cicero, not too far from Obama's side of town, he commented that he had not experienced that kind of hatred in the South. He discovered something new and he admitted to it! What a poor effort to debunk the truth, again! The Janjaweed/Taliban reference I suspect bothered you.
revcsolomon wrote
I pray that if Senator Obama were to prevail and become America's next mixed-race President that those Americans that have been his most vocal and ardent supporters will give him a fair chance to implement those structural modifications that he intends to make - it will take time! Dr. MLK, a man of peace, discovered how stored up racial animus America coupled with misguided pseudo-patriotism would be used against anyone, populist or not, who attempted to alter the status quo!
westthea (1 day ago) Show Hide
Dr. King did not "discover" what you indicate, rather, he already knew this and knew that the chances were that he and others would lose their lives. But more importantly, he knew that regardless, there would be a major change coming. This is the epitome of Barack Obama and this time he has the world standing behind him against a few thousand "dogs of hell".
revcsolomon wrote
Each one of us can learn from Dr. King's discovery experiences. I recall when Dr. King, during one of his quiet reflections came to grips with the reality of martyrdom. He said that prior to that time he considered death a possibilty, however, he realized (after experiencing the venal hatred and antipathy from his foes firsthand) that the likelihood of his impending death was more than a remote possibility. A small group of Obama supporters who attack their own remind me of his foes!
westthea wrote
Thank you. It is always best to evaluate and you have done that.
foxxx2001 wrote
Tavis would have created a "Wright" moment. Just as Chief House Negro Bob Johnson has done. They work and supported Clinton.
revcsolomon (wrote
foxxx, You and others members of the American Janjaweed/Taliban group, are behaving like spoiled fascist children, given your persistent use of pejoratives like House Negro in order to denigrate other noble black American icons. I have said it before, I wonder how long it would take if Senator Obama were to become President, before the same individuals who are disrespecting black American icons now, turn on him? I have predicted that the honeymoon would be over right around February 1, 2008!
revcsolomon wrote
Enough of your condescension; it would be irresponsible for anyone to vote for a candidate or his capricious and insouciant circle of advisors who lack experience or accurate knowledge of the bigger picture! There is nothing on Obama's resume that qualifies him to be President. Obama is leading a pack of youngsters who simply want to wrest control and power away from their political parents; and like most children, Senator Obama included, you all believe that you can simply do a better job.
One can only wonder how many Obama supporters would have supported Senator Clinton had she prevailed and become the Democratic Nominee, based on what I have been reading. The behavior of many Obama supporters suggests a much deeper pathology and schism within black America. The kind of racial animus that many black Americans harbor towards their own, tells me that not only are some of us unprepared to deal with national and international issues, some haven’t come to grips with divisive issues that persist within the black coalition of community!
Some refer to other black Americans as Uncle Toms, when they themselves are voting for a half-white candidate. Others refer to Senator Clinton as Ms. Anne, and venally attack President Bill Clinton. I have asked many of these individuals, and how do you refer to your nominee’s wife, mother and relatives? This particular election cycle has been instructive in more ways than one for not only America, but many of our ethnic communities!
Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Jun 13, 2008
Reverend Solomon to “Devil on a Horse American” an Obama Blog Supporter!
See Faith in Action blog, http://www.faithinactiononline.com/
Common Sense,
The only semblance of hatred that I have ever witnessed on this blog has come from one source, and you are that one source!
I have faith that in time your heart will be purged from bigotry and that you will learn to abstain from making boorish and empty claims। No one has done more disservice to Senator Obama on this blog than you have, and still you purport to be an Obama supporter.
Perhaps the Lord placed you on my mind tonight, whatever the case may be I was thinking of your disparaging and racist digs at Senator Clinton, in prior posts you have frequently referred to her as Ms। Anne.
What would a Senator Obama or his white mother have to say about someone who claims to be an Obama supporter, but cannot stop attacking someone who is a part of their own cultural heritage with racial slurs? What appellation would you apply to the Senator’s mother, his grandmother or his Scotch-Irish relatives, Ms। Anne or some other pejorative? Or how about the Senator himself? Have you ignored the fact that he happens to be half white himself.
I suspect that the Obama coalition, or cotillion might be a more appropriate description, of white-liberals who have coalesced with black fascists in order to attempt to put the Senator into office will eventually collapse। Sooner or later white liberals will realize just who all is on their team!
Embracing a man in order to get what you want who happens to be bi-racial, even though you obviously dislike Caucasians, once again suggests that you (and others like you) harbor in your hearts something that is in need of being healed। Remember Dr. King’s message, it is by the content of their character, not the color of their skin!
You young people want to take over the reigns of power in America, however, you still haven’t learned to respect diversity, and America is a culturally diverse nation!
# 8 Common Sense Says: June 12th, 2008 at 7:37 pm
@Rev. Solomon,
I know I said I would not respond to your white loving, Uncle Ruckus of the Boondocks acting tirades। That’s exactly who you are. The voice of Uncle Ruckus. You would take a bullet for Hillary, i.e. Miss Ann. You defend her tooth and nail in every post. In case you have not noticed, she lost Ruckus॥er I mean Rev. Solomon. You hate Obama, myself and any black person that does not agree with you. Slavery has lasted longer in America than it hasn’t(count the years), but you are so self hating, so anti young black people that it is sad. Fine Rev., you hate black people who don’t think like you. Take some of your energy that you defend Miss Ann and use it to reach out to or understand where the next generation is coming from. A lot of us walking around now did not have to bow our heads when in the company of white people so they can’t relate. I can’t stand your constant denegration of black people. Do they still make that cream that lightens your skin??? Maybe you can back order. Check into it.
# 9 Reverend Solomon Says: June 13th, 2008 at 3:32 pm
Common Sense ( an oxymoron):
I am still waiting for you to tell me which pejorative you use to describe Senator Obama’s white relatives (his mom, grandmother and other Scotch-Irish relatives, fellow Obama non-black supporters and your mixed relatives – most of us derive from mixed ancestry)। And I am also waiting for you to tell me which of the venal pejoratives you use to describe Senator Obama since he is half-white. I don’t have a problem with Senator Obama running for the office of President of the USA if he wants to run for the office of President, for just like every other American born person who is above the age of 35, he has the right to do so. You could even run for President I suppose, and clearly that would be a travesty!
Just as I did not believe that George Bush was qualified to be President (and he is Caucasian), and he proved that he was not qualified (Ambassador Alan Keyes once said: The man does not have the mental capacity to a President of the USA), he proved that on more than one occasion)।1) I simply do not feel that Senator Obama is qualified to be President (nothing in his resume demonstrates that he is), even though he meets the legal criteria which I also feel should be revisited.2). I don’t agree with many of the positions that he has taken.3). He has not demonstrated that he possesses the mettle to stand up to the pressure that he will be facing that often comes from those who harbor the spirit of white supremacy, or of late black supremacist citizens of America like you.
My larger problem is with nascent ‘devil on horses’ Darfur-like and supposed black-fascist supporters of Senator Obama like you”! One thing for sure, Senator Obama is not a racist, give him credit for that। But you on the other hand have done nothing but spew racial hatred given the incessant racial epitaphs that you have constantly employed on this blog in order to demonstrate your ignorance. All you have done is to prove that so far is that you have a very serious problem, and it is clear that you don’t have ‘common sense’! Another young man like you lumped me in with Shelby Steele, Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell, Judge Thomas…, he said that all of us were Uncle Tom’s. I say to you what I said to him, then what does that make you, a half a Tom, since you support a man who is half-white. I may or may not agree with all of the positions held or taken by the former-named, however, each one of them are erudite, accomplished social contributers that I am still proud of, they have contributed something to mankind and to our race that neither you nor the young man that I referred to have done - civility and respect for other people!
I am pleased that you were not censored, we all need to engage in political discourse! The job of the elders is to teach the youngsters. My suggestion to you is to enroll in an African American studies department at a local university and get up to speed. What comes out of your mouth is a reflection of what you harbor in your heart. You really ought to seek spiritual guidance - something is wrong with your heart!
Rev. C. Solomon
Common Sense,
The only semblance of hatred that I have ever witnessed on this blog has come from one source, and you are that one source!
I have faith that in time your heart will be purged from bigotry and that you will learn to abstain from making boorish and empty claims। No one has done more disservice to Senator Obama on this blog than you have, and still you purport to be an Obama supporter.
Perhaps the Lord placed you on my mind tonight, whatever the case may be I was thinking of your disparaging and racist digs at Senator Clinton, in prior posts you have frequently referred to her as Ms। Anne.
What would a Senator Obama or his white mother have to say about someone who claims to be an Obama supporter, but cannot stop attacking someone who is a part of their own cultural heritage with racial slurs? What appellation would you apply to the Senator’s mother, his grandmother or his Scotch-Irish relatives, Ms। Anne or some other pejorative? Or how about the Senator himself? Have you ignored the fact that he happens to be half white himself.
I suspect that the Obama coalition, or cotillion might be a more appropriate description, of white-liberals who have coalesced with black fascists in order to attempt to put the Senator into office will eventually collapse। Sooner or later white liberals will realize just who all is on their team!
Embracing a man in order to get what you want who happens to be bi-racial, even though you obviously dislike Caucasians, once again suggests that you (and others like you) harbor in your hearts something that is in need of being healed। Remember Dr. King’s message, it is by the content of their character, not the color of their skin!
You young people want to take over the reigns of power in America, however, you still haven’t learned to respect diversity, and America is a culturally diverse nation!
# 8 Common Sense Says: June 12th, 2008 at 7:37 pm
@Rev. Solomon,
I know I said I would not respond to your white loving, Uncle Ruckus of the Boondocks acting tirades। That’s exactly who you are. The voice of Uncle Ruckus. You would take a bullet for Hillary, i.e. Miss Ann. You defend her tooth and nail in every post. In case you have not noticed, she lost Ruckus॥er I mean Rev. Solomon. You hate Obama, myself and any black person that does not agree with you. Slavery has lasted longer in America than it hasn’t(count the years), but you are so self hating, so anti young black people that it is sad. Fine Rev., you hate black people who don’t think like you. Take some of your energy that you defend Miss Ann and use it to reach out to or understand where the next generation is coming from. A lot of us walking around now did not have to bow our heads when in the company of white people so they can’t relate. I can’t stand your constant denegration of black people. Do they still make that cream that lightens your skin??? Maybe you can back order. Check into it.
# 9 Reverend Solomon Says: June 13th, 2008 at 3:32 pm
Common Sense ( an oxymoron):
I am still waiting for you to tell me which pejorative you use to describe Senator Obama’s white relatives (his mom, grandmother and other Scotch-Irish relatives, fellow Obama non-black supporters and your mixed relatives – most of us derive from mixed ancestry)। And I am also waiting for you to tell me which of the venal pejoratives you use to describe Senator Obama since he is half-white. I don’t have a problem with Senator Obama running for the office of President of the USA if he wants to run for the office of President, for just like every other American born person who is above the age of 35, he has the right to do so. You could even run for President I suppose, and clearly that would be a travesty!
Just as I did not believe that George Bush was qualified to be President (and he is Caucasian), and he proved that he was not qualified (Ambassador Alan Keyes once said: The man does not have the mental capacity to a President of the USA), he proved that on more than one occasion)।1) I simply do not feel that Senator Obama is qualified to be President (nothing in his resume demonstrates that he is), even though he meets the legal criteria which I also feel should be revisited.2). I don’t agree with many of the positions that he has taken.3). He has not demonstrated that he possesses the mettle to stand up to the pressure that he will be facing that often comes from those who harbor the spirit of white supremacy, or of late black supremacist citizens of America like you.
My larger problem is with nascent ‘devil on horses’ Darfur-like and supposed black-fascist supporters of Senator Obama like you”! One thing for sure, Senator Obama is not a racist, give him credit for that। But you on the other hand have done nothing but spew racial hatred given the incessant racial epitaphs that you have constantly employed on this blog in order to demonstrate your ignorance. All you have done is to prove that so far is that you have a very serious problem, and it is clear that you don’t have ‘common sense’! Another young man like you lumped me in with Shelby Steele, Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell, Judge Thomas…, he said that all of us were Uncle Tom’s. I say to you what I said to him, then what does that make you, a half a Tom, since you support a man who is half-white. I may or may not agree with all of the positions held or taken by the former-named, however, each one of them are erudite, accomplished social contributers that I am still proud of, they have contributed something to mankind and to our race that neither you nor the young man that I referred to have done - civility and respect for other people!
I am pleased that you were not censored, we all need to engage in political discourse! The job of the elders is to teach the youngsters. My suggestion to you is to enroll in an African American studies department at a local university and get up to speed. What comes out of your mouth is a reflection of what you harbor in your heart. You really ought to seek spiritual guidance - something is wrong with your heart!
Rev. C. Solomon
Jun 11, 2008
A Senator Obama Black Fascist on You Tube!
An Obama Supporter Attacks The Rev on You Tube!
It is clear in some sense that irreverent Obama supporters are following the lead of Senator Obama; Senator Obama did not show a lot of respect for his pastor (a minister) either).
Witness the unedited and unsolicited exchange between Reverend Solomon and an Obama Supporter, tbioko, on YouTube (read from the bottom up) June 2nd through June 10, 2008:
Reverend Solomon responded:
tbiok, You haven't insulted me today, what happened? I miss being insulted by you. And you never answered my question. Since you are supporting a man who is half-white (Scotch-Irish), does that make you half an Uncle Tom? And, btw what does that make Senator Obama since he is half-white, a white-black Tom? And how do you refer to your candidates white mother, grandmother and other relatives? You can't have it both ways. We have nothing against the Senator, we're simply scrutinizing him!
If the majority of the people decide to elect Senator Obama to be President of the United States is not the problem। The problem that we have to deal with is what to do with people like you! Can you say American Talib?
And by any reasonable standard, Senator Obama is a neophyte। He has a lot to learn. As I've told other blacks to do, consider the conditions of blacks in South Africa who believed that by having black Presidents, everything would suddenly change. Given the Mandela and Mbeiki Presidencies, not much has changed for 95% black South Africa. There are structural barriers in place in America that Obama cannot overcome alone, just because he's Emperor (as you wrote). Get up sto speed!
tbiok, Enroll in the African-American studies department as I previously suggested; you don't know who your real enemies happen to be. Do you know who the patron was behind the Harlem Renaissance? Do you know who underwrote the costs of the March on Washington in 1963? Do you know which group subsidizes the NAACP? Because someone is white it does not make them your enemy, and because they are black does not make them your friend? Stop attacking the wrong people, many consider us radicals!
Actually, each one of the names that you mentioned are extremely intelligent and competer black Americans, of which you and most of the time 'The Rev' have differences of opinions. They are not the problem, white supremacy is the problem. You waste too much time trying to destroy your own. That kind of reminds me of when black Americans burn their own communities or rob their own people!
rcs,Are you familiar with Clarence Thomas. Colin Powell. Condi Rice. Lynn Swann. Michael Steele. Thomas Sowell. Walter Williams. Larry Elder. Alan Keyes. Juan Williams. Armstrong Williams (with his ugly ass). Stephanie Stubbs-Jones? They are all self-loathing black nincompoops like yourself!
tbioku wrote
rcs, How does a President Obama sound to you? What about a King Obama? Or, an Emperor Obama? You and ypur ilks should learn to live with it!
revcsolomon responded
'tb', You are in the wrong century! Many individuals in America consider Obama to be a half-white Scottish-Irish and half-black erudite black elitist. Have you forgotten about his Irish blood? Have you sold out, Nubian, Mandingo misfit given that you are supporting a purported 'half-white elitist'? I guess that makes you only 'half a Tom'? Find a university in your area and enroll in the Afro-American studies department quickly, you are a retrograde embarrassment to the black race!
revcsolomon (responded 1 of 2)
Marked as spam
'tb' White liberals transcended the white fascism that they grew up with, at a time when other whites would refer to them as nig-lovers in order to keep them in line. I am not disturbed in the least by your racist ignorance or 'Tom remarks'. Your insults only inform me and I am sure others of just how pathological and pathetic you happen to be. Whether Obama becomes President will not alter what is apparent, where you are concerned! Take your psychotropic meds, then we can discuss issues!
tbioku (wrote)
An uncle Tom, or an aunt Jemima, or a House Negro, or a "Sell-Out" is a Black man or woman who works against his people's (or race's) interest in order to curry unnecessary favors from white elites whether short-term or long-term e.g., financial, position, or power. He or she is a shameless, self-loathing bastard!@ revcsolomon, you're a self-hating uncle Tom like that bastard Juan William of Fox Noise. By the way, Juan William is nothing but a Panamanian!
revcsolomon responded
The problem with youthful black fascists like you is that you do not understand that the black community is not a monolithic community. The fact that you prefer to silence those voices who share a difference of opinion than your own tells me that you do not have the interest of the people at heart. Now think about it, if Senator Obama distanced his pastor given his remarks (which I do not disagree with by the way), what would he do if heard your caustic remarks! You're an embarrassment to OBM!
revcsolomon responded 1 of 2
I have engaged in political discourse with a number of Obama supporters, and I have to give them credit that even though they did not agree with my position they were not as crass you are. As forestated, Obama supporters like you remain me of the Talib in Afghanistan, you want to take over the government and in the process to define the process and slaughter anyone who gets in your way. Your ignorance and insolence, is suggestive of a much deeper psychological pathology. Get some help dude!
Tbioko wrote:
Why don't you fucking shut the fuck up! Spare us these your senseless diatribes, for crying out loud! For once, will you and other retrogressive uncle Toms/aunt Jemimas stop backstabbing the Black race?
Rev. Solomon Responded
Better is the end of a thing than the beginning (King Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes). It will be interesting to see what you folks will be saying once this man has established a record! The race is to the one who endures to the end. We will all learn something about this one-term Senator's endurance. So far, all that he has done is retreat in order to get elected.
I simply hope that all of us, black and white, will grow from this experience which I will refer to as the Obama phenomenon. How quickly we turn on our own. It makes you wonder what it will take before some of you turn on a President Obama. Tavis has a pristine record, Obama hasn't spent a day in office. Will some of you be as vitriolic when things don't go you way with a President Obama, if he were to become President? Obama may win the battle, but I suspect that he will loose the war!
revcsolomon 1 of 2
I believe given present attitudes and behaviors towards Tavis and other blacks and black leaders who did not make Obama their first choice, that the same individuals will be calling a President Obama an uncle Tom, just about February 2009. It always amazes me how quickly blacks will turn on their own! Shift to the center? After a few months in office, a President Obama will have to shift completely to 'the white side', for impatient and unforgiving blacks will have abandoned him! Mayor Nagin?
tbioku wrote You're a fool, and a fucking asshole like that idiotic Juan William of Fox Noise. You, Tavis Smiley (who is a totally nobody, anyway), and other uncle Toms/aunt Jemimas out there are nothing but sickos. You fucking retard!
Rev Solomon responded:
Spoken like a true Obama supporter tbiok and this is what I have been warning others to be skeptical about before jumping on the Obama bandwagon. Senator Obama and his inchoate American Talib supporters have their own agenda. I am simply doing what I believe that Senator Obama has done in the past and present, to subject candidates to scrutiny, he is not exempt. Obama's coalition of white liberals and blacks racists and against the war then for the war Congressman will not survive. Implode?
Folks, make your own determination.
Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
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