Someone Has To Pay the Debt for Reaganomics III, Thank God We Avoided Reagan IV: John McCain!
How long will it take for Republicans to realize, I wonder, that someone will have to and have had to pay the bills for ‘borrow and spend Republican administrations’? Forgive me fellow ministers, but one of the best bumper stickers that I ever saw read as follows: NO MORE BUSH*T!
Two days ago, the day following the 2008 General Election, I stopped in at a local retail establishment where I overhead an exchange between the cashier and a customer who was leaving the store. The cashier, an Asian woman, proudly proclaimed that she had voted for President-Elect Senator Obama. The customer responded as he proceeded to walk out of the door, ‘and now our taxes will go up’!
It occurred to me that nothing has been learned by Republicans at the termination of either Reagan I, II or III ,(and we barely missed Reaganism IV with John McCain), borrow and spend, leveraged buyout, trickle down candidacies! President George H.W. Bush presided over the second installment, and his son George H. Bush presided over the third installment.
I was thinking back to when Bush 41 ran against Ronald Reagan two decades ago. Before becoming his Vice Presidential running mate, he described Reaganomics as voodoo economics, however, although he was forced to capitulate in order to be Reagan's running mate. Whether his mind actually changed or not, we will never know.
However, we do know that during the initial part of his first term as President, he recognized that something had to be done given that the nation’s economy was spiraling out of control because before coming to his sense, he had grudgingly adhered to the economic policies of his failed predecessor.
During the latter portion of his administration, George H.W. Bush recognized that America’s debt could no longer be deferred or ignored. He also changed his mind with respect to his previously strong admonition to: read my lips, there will be no new taxes! Bush 41 recognized that America’s bills had to be paid. His change of course, caused him the support of his dubious party and a second term as President. Republicans were against anyone, even one of their own who believed in 'paying the bills'!
None of these gentlemen and I say that loosely, would run their households in the manner that they ran America’s financial system; perhaps their wives had and have been in charge of their household budgets all the time. Can you imagine a household where the heads of the family would simply continue to spend and borrow, and never pay their bills, hoping that their wages would continue to rise commensurately along with spending? Essentially that is why Bush 41 referred to Reaganomics as ‘voodoo economics’. Reagan believed in spending and deferring the debt!
Would you believe that two decades later, Republicans still do not want to pay the bills? Republicans only want to profit from the economy. My answer to the gentleman who proceeded to walk out of the store and others like him is simply this, of course the Democrats have to raise taxes, someone has to pay the enormous bills that are left over from another Republican Administration.
The Republican Governor of California, also known as the Governator has finally acquiesced. In a statement made yesterday to the public, he explained that taxes will have to be raised in order to deal with California's staggering 11 billion dollar budget deficit. What, is the Governator behaving like a Democrat? It is about time. If Republicans don't want to pay the bills, the answer and the solution is simple, stop spending!
Republicans made a fortune off of squeezing the American economy for personal profit, and along with the tax cuts that many of them received -they came out on top, but at the same time the economy is in the tank.
My brother sent me quotation which is apropos for what is taking place in America has been taking place for some time. It was taken from a paper written by Alexander Tyler (ca.1770) entitled, Moral Decline and its Effect On the Collapse of Nations. It reads as follows:
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy…!
And that is what has essentially taken place under the leadership of the last 3 Republican administrations. Once George H.W. Bush left office, Bill Clinton had to come in and suspend the voodoo economics systems of his predecessor and raise revenues in order to pay off the outstanding debts that were left behind as a result of 3 terms of Republican leadership.
Converseley, when Bill Clinton left office, country was left with a budget surplus that incoming George H. Bush scuttled. And to boot, during the Clinton Administration the majority of America’s citizenry fared better, the country fared better, and no one complained about paying taxes, except Republicans.
Like father, like son and like Reagan? George H. Bush, the leader of the Bushtanistas, will leave the nation with a half-trillion dollar debt, and a staggering budget deficit that is even larger; it will be approximately 1 Trillion dollars.
The first order of business for the next president, President-Elect Obama Hussein will be to raise taxes off the incredible deficit and all of the debts that America will have incurred, to include the bailout, that will be left behind by Republicans who enriched themselves off of the American treasury and market system. Republicans simply put, are not fiscally responsible!
And what else is truly sad about all of this is that just like Clinton and any other sound minded politician or household family budgeter who knows that you have to pay your bills, another Democrat President will be accused of raising American’s taxes, even though he was not responsible for incurring the debts! The latter won’t have the luxury of taking office and ignoring the country’s indebtedness, or to continue to the practice of borrow and spend.
Just as Bill Clinton had to do, our new president will have to clean up the Republican mess, that won't go away by employing Reagan-style 'voodoo economics'.
Thank God that the American voters are smarter than the Republicans who typically run for office and continue to employ the same old already debunked dribble and methods. John McCain and the next group of Americans ought to have learned that after 3 failed Republican Presidential candidacies and Reaganomics, that the overwhelming majority of the American people are willing to pay their debts.
Again, Republicans ought to learn to do the same. And if they won’t pay their debts, then for heaven’s sake and for the sake of the American people, if you ever get into office again and I hope that you won't, please stop incurring debts that someone else in likely a Democratic Administration will have to pay off for you~
Love, Peace & Grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Addenda: Corruption under the cover of government is nothing new: Here are a few noteworthy biblical quotations that apply.
Eccl. 5:8 If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.
Moreover the profit of the earth is for all…
He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase…!
Ps. 94:20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with them, which frameth Mischief by a Law?
These two sets of scriptures explain by and large the problems that we have had with Republican Administrations, and the ones who ran these governments, they are greedy, never satisfied and to willing to manipulate the offices that they serve in and the Law in order to accomplish their venal objectives. That spirit lives on in the Republican Party! I pray that Reaganism, along with greed, selfishness, and deception is finally dead!
We must remember that this attitude was apparent at the onset and later at the establishment of this nation when a group of white men decided to found a nation on a flawed premise that favored them; the premise being that they reserved the right to earn as much as that wanted through land-confiscation, indenturing and enslaving other people, forcing them to do the work, and this group of men would retain all of the profits and at the same time resist taxation!
Both Republican American Presidents, CEO's and other government officials, continue this venal aim until this day! Neither of these individuals want to pay a just wage, and at all costs they do everything that they can to avoid paying their fair share.
Rush [Limpball] said it best a decade or so ago: You people can raise our taxes, however, we will still have our limousines, our swimming pools...! My response was then as it now, EXACTLY Rush, so would you stop whining?
Let us all pray that Reaganism, Voodoo economics, Republican neo-fascism are all elements of the past! BTW, has anyone heard from Bill Kristol of late? If not, is there any wonder why. So much for the New Project for an American Century, Kristol an his ilk, helped to get America off on the wrong footing in the 21st Century!
Nov 7, 2008
Nov 6, 2008
Oprah [President-elect Hussein] and the American Media Wars: Oprah Won!!
I was beginning to wonder what we would have to do in order to counter the growing number of fascist conservative republican radio and television talk show hosts, individuals who have been blanketing America's airways with venal rightist Republican propagandist rancor; and along comes Oprah! Will a fairness doctrine work?
BTW Oprah, is Gayle single? Hmm baby!
Oprah, without firing a single shot across the media bough, defeated the likes of Rush Lintball, Sean [Insanity], Savage Michael, Gone Gordon Liddy, Arm-weak Williams and Bill 'I just love myself' O'Reilly, Glen [Peck} to name a few, combined. And, she defeated them with a single Obama stone.
All of these individuals over the years leading up to the culmination of this year's Presidential election, have been doing all that they could do apparently to keep the fires of racism burning in America, apparently hoping for racial Armageddon in America.
The moment that Senator Obama became a serious presidential candidate, then this propaganda media Klan-group all Republicans and mostly friends, went feverishly after him. They sought to destroy him, his former pastor, his family and his reputation. And by the way ,America owes The Wright Reverend a debt of thanks for his 2-decade long shaping of America's most recent favorite son; you did a great job Reverend Wright!
All of these jaundiced mostly millionaire media moguls who make a living selling hatred, were defeated by a single black woman who of all places originated from the south! In fact this black woman from the south defeated the confederacy; even Virginia, the former capital of the South fell Oprah's when the citizens of the Old Commonwealth voted for President-elect Obama Hussein!
For decades now, these media fascists that have been protected by their First Amendment right to free speech and of the press, and have been busy at their craft. In my opinion taking advantage of their First Amendment right. But who is this woman Oprah?
I am beginning to look at Oprah differently of late. When I attended this year's commencement exercise earlier in the year at Stanford University, I was not at all impressed with Oprah's keynote address; she has given better speeches than that. On the other hand, given her success in this year's election cycle, I have to wonder what power is working in this woman's life.
And just as the Hussein family would never have imagined it, I suspect until recently, that they would be America's number one family, Oprah I suspect never imagined that she would elect a president and defeat a group of neo-con media hi-tech racists!
Oprah has risen from poverty to become the most successful media person in America and possibly the world, and she has almost single-handedly elected a Scotch-Irish black man to be President. Frankly, she has done in a few years what the civil rights movement could not doing 5 decades.
Oprah Winfrey has proven her strength by defeating the daily clamor of the daily clamor, rancor and propaganda of all of the anti-American syndicated talk show hosts combined, and while doing so she elected a President. I have been arguing with males and females alike that the Sovereign is reintroducing the feminine principle, and by doing so he is bringing balance back into the world. This is a worldwide phenomena that is taking place.
Pandora's jar has been opened, and females will never permit themselves to be relegated to a secondary status again. And I believe that these changes are and will be for the better.
Good luck Oprah, Hillary, Nancy and all of the other females who have reached the pinnacle of American success. I even salute Sarah Palin with this caveat, never permit yourself to be used in the manner that you allowed yourself to be used by Senator McCain's campaign committee. Why? They made you look stupid, and you are not stupid!
And in conclusion Oprah, if Gayle wants to meet a single good-looking Reverend dude, have her to e-mail me; I gave up on Condi - she chose both the wrong sports and political team, otherwise, otherwise she might have had a chance!
Love, peace & grace
Rev. C. Solomon
BTW Oprah, is Gayle single? Hmm baby!
Oprah, without firing a single shot across the media bough, defeated the likes of Rush Lintball, Sean [Insanity], Savage Michael, Gone Gordon Liddy, Arm-weak Williams and Bill 'I just love myself' O'Reilly, Glen [Peck} to name a few, combined. And, she defeated them with a single Obama stone.
All of these individuals over the years leading up to the culmination of this year's Presidential election, have been doing all that they could do apparently to keep the fires of racism burning in America, apparently hoping for racial Armageddon in America.
The moment that Senator Obama became a serious presidential candidate, then this propaganda media Klan-group all Republicans and mostly friends, went feverishly after him. They sought to destroy him, his former pastor, his family and his reputation. And by the way ,America owes The Wright Reverend a debt of thanks for his 2-decade long shaping of America's most recent favorite son; you did a great job Reverend Wright!
All of these jaundiced mostly millionaire media moguls who make a living selling hatred, were defeated by a single black woman who of all places originated from the south! In fact this black woman from the south defeated the confederacy; even Virginia, the former capital of the South fell Oprah's when the citizens of the Old Commonwealth voted for President-elect Obama Hussein!
For decades now, these media fascists that have been protected by their First Amendment right to free speech and of the press, and have been busy at their craft. In my opinion taking advantage of their First Amendment right. But who is this woman Oprah?
I am beginning to look at Oprah differently of late. When I attended this year's commencement exercise earlier in the year at Stanford University, I was not at all impressed with Oprah's keynote address; she has given better speeches than that. On the other hand, given her success in this year's election cycle, I have to wonder what power is working in this woman's life.
And just as the Hussein family would never have imagined it, I suspect until recently, that they would be America's number one family, Oprah I suspect never imagined that she would elect a president and defeat a group of neo-con media hi-tech racists!
Oprah has risen from poverty to become the most successful media person in America and possibly the world, and she has almost single-handedly elected a Scotch-Irish black man to be President. Frankly, she has done in a few years what the civil rights movement could not doing 5 decades.
Oprah Winfrey has proven her strength by defeating the daily clamor of the daily clamor, rancor and propaganda of all of the anti-American syndicated talk show hosts combined, and while doing so she elected a President. I have been arguing with males and females alike that the Sovereign is reintroducing the feminine principle, and by doing so he is bringing balance back into the world. This is a worldwide phenomena that is taking place.
Pandora's jar has been opened, and females will never permit themselves to be relegated to a secondary status again. And I believe that these changes are and will be for the better.
Good luck Oprah, Hillary, Nancy and all of the other females who have reached the pinnacle of American success. I even salute Sarah Palin with this caveat, never permit yourself to be used in the manner that you allowed yourself to be used by Senator McCain's campaign committee. Why? They made you look stupid, and you are not stupid!
And in conclusion Oprah, if Gayle wants to meet a single good-looking Reverend dude, have her to e-mail me; I gave up on Condi - she chose both the wrong sports and political team, otherwise, otherwise she might have had a chance!
Love, peace & grace
Rev. C. Solomon
A NEW DAY: Rev To the Faith In Action Blog
The highlight of my day, following the election of the nascent Senator, resulted from listening to a southeast Asian woman express her joy over his election success. She proudly proclaimed that she voted for Senator [Ohamba]. I suspect that there are a lot of people in America and elsewhere who might not be able to correctly pronounce his name, however, they realize what an Obama candidacy will likely represent to most people of the world.
I haven't seen black Americans express as much elation, not since OJ Simpson was acquitted in the infamous trial of the century. I am pleased to see how infectious the election of Senator Obama has been for so many disparate people in America, the Americas and the rest of the world, not only with black Americans.
A month or so ago in Richmond California, I debated an Obama supporter on the topic: Racial Politics in America; it was a very heated debate. Since 62% of President-Elect Obama Hussein's support came from white Americans, I suspect that now he will agree that my position about where portions of the country stood with respect to race was correct. And more importantly, hopefully, he will address his own issues with racism.
Black Americans, and those individuals from other races who joined in with us in the struggle should feel proud for without the help of the government and many establishment churches, we have made significant progress in the past 50 years alone, when it comes to the struggle of mitigating racism in America.
Having said that, I would be dishonest if I were to imply that I voted for Senator Obama, I did not, and having said that I did not vote for 'I am not my brother's keeper [Cain]', either!
Rev. C. Solomon
I haven't seen black Americans express as much elation, not since OJ Simpson was acquitted in the infamous trial of the century. I am pleased to see how infectious the election of Senator Obama has been for so many disparate people in America, the Americas and the rest of the world, not only with black Americans.
A month or so ago in Richmond California, I debated an Obama supporter on the topic: Racial Politics in America; it was a very heated debate. Since 62% of President-Elect Obama Hussein's support came from white Americans, I suspect that now he will agree that my position about where portions of the country stood with respect to race was correct. And more importantly, hopefully, he will address his own issues with racism.
Black Americans, and those individuals from other races who joined in with us in the struggle should feel proud for without the help of the government and many establishment churches, we have made significant progress in the past 50 years alone, when it comes to the struggle of mitigating racism in America.
Having said that, I would be dishonest if I were to imply that I voted for Senator Obama, I did not, and having said that I did not vote for 'I am not my brother's keeper [Cain]', either!
Rev. C. Solomon
Nov 1, 2008
The G7, Worldwide Stock Market & Financial Credit System: Is This The Mark of the Beast?
The Dow Jones Averages --- The S&P ---- The Nasdaq --- The stock symbol and ticker symbols (marks) -- The Opening Bell --- and the World-wide Foreign Stock Markets & Exchanges -
Here is another possible explanation for the Mark of the Beast.
Revelation 13:1 And he [the dragon] stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please read Revelations 13 in its entirety!
Here is just one other possibility to explain what the Mark of the Beast, taken from the book of Revelations, might represent. It occurred to me recently that the symbols that are often used to describe the volatile changes that take place, periodically, in the American stock market are 'the bull and the bear'. When the market is in a downward spiral, the market is referred to as a bear market, its behavior being compared with the bear often walks with his head down towards the ground.
On the other hand when the market is ratcheting up in a steady, uncontrollable, unpredictable and frenzied pace, it is often referred to as a bull market (its typology being that of a horned bull that is rummaging uncontrollably in the china shop, and destroying everything that gets in its path).
Literalists will counter that the symbols 'bear and bull', do not match up exactly with what John saw in his vision. Combine the two, and consider the image that you come up with.
Any person who is savvy in dream interpretation, recognizes that dream symbols can often be interpreted in more ways than one, and on occasion misinterpreted. And I suspect that is what has been taking place with those who have peradventure attempted to divine the meanings of the symbols in the past. What John saw was in fact a symbolic representation of what would turn out to be an actual event that would take place in these three tenses, local, ultimate and universal prophecy!
There was a time when many believers expected that a beast, would literally rise up out of one of the seas from around the world. At this late date, most Christians have moved beyond interpreting the astral-laden book of Revelations literally in this sense, Christians are no longer looking for Gorgo or some Godzilla-like creature to rise up out of the sea.
The G7 group of nations are headed and 'empowered' by the Dragon, which I believe is the United States of America, the latter being the force that empowers the beast along with its many nation-extensions. The G7 (also known as the G-7 or Group of Seven) is the meeting of the finance ministers from a group of seven industrialized nations. It was not so long ago when the majority of the world's goods, 40 to 50% inured to the benefit of the American consumer.
Americans are unabashed about their divine right, they believe, to own and enjoy the majority of the world's goods. In fact Americans will brag about that inherent right. Today, the United States still enjoys a disproportionate share of the world's goods, services and resources, to include oil. Depending on who you believe, America still consumes one half of the world's oil supply, leaving the other half for all other nations of the world to divide among themselves.
When you keep in mind that the United Nations is comprised of over 190 world representative world nations, it is easy for anyone to recognize that 'the beast' is enjoying far more than its share. In fact the world's economy, finance and trade are unquestionably controlled by the beast.
According to Wikipedia, it was formed in 1976, when Canada joined the Group of Six: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States of America.[1] The finance ministers of these countries meet several times a year to discuss economic policies. Their work is supported by regular, functional meetings of officials, including the G7 Finance Deputies.
It is not to be confused, however, with the G8, which is the annual meeting of the heads of government of the aforementioned nations, plus Russia.
This group, and their satellites (the horns on the beast)which likely represent other key players like China, Hong-Kong...have climbed in bed with the beast. And more and more all of them control the worldwide-economy together. And, of late the Republic of China has become a strong powerhouse all by itself. The USA and China once enemies have joined together in an economic enterprise whereby China is enjoying a trade deficit with the United States that favors China, and in turn the USA has borrowed and is still borrowing heavily from the Chinese in order to finance the Bush Wars!
The Definition of Blasphemy: NOUN: 1a. A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity. b. The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God.
Does the current world-wide financial, credit, economic, commerce, trade system that has been engineered and headed up by the United States of America blaspheme God? Of course it does, this system has replaced God with a concocted human economic system that praises wealth and the consumption of wealth, one that purports to be self-sufficient and able to meet the needs of the human race. And folks that is blasphemy. And more and more many of these nations are becoming secularist, the ones who were not secularist before.
These human political-economic system govern on their own terms. They provide for the needs people at their discretion, particular to those nations who will submit to them. Those nations who will not submit, often fail to enjoy the world's largess that was put here for all to enjoy, including those who are to come after us.
Many individuals and nations who previously lambasted the American capitalist system are today on board. In fact, many Americans who at one time would kneel down, pray and read a scripture each morning, have also turned turned to the beast each morning in order to be comforted.
Earlier in the morning they rise and check to see how well they have down in the stock market. Some turn to newspapers and check on the Dow Jones Averages ever before leaving the house. Others have their computer programs set to tell them how well they have done. And the more sophisticated and wealthy among us, hire individuals that manage their financial portfolios, and keep them abreast of how the beast treated them during their night of slumber.
Folks, there is no God on Wall Street, or at any of the other Stock Exchanges around the world. The beast has declared that the love of money, is not the root of any evil. In fact some Americans will brag that, "there is nothing wrong with greed'. The sin of greed is that it keeps others from enjoying their portion of goods, produces and services.
In the book, The God That Failed, the author recognized that the political-economic system of the USSR pretended to be a god, one that purported to be able to care for the people, in the end it was concluded that the Soviet God had failed. So far, the American headed version seems to be thriving, even though there was a near meltdown that nearly took down the financial markets of the world several weeks ago. And what causes the near meltdown, it was pure and simple greed.
Both the beast and the dragon have avaricious and insatiable appetites. The two are never satisfied. An American CEO can earn up to 400 times what the average employee in his organizations earns, but still he wants more. The multi-millionaires and billionaires in America and around the world are never satisfied, no matter how much wealth they manage to acquire. This greedy elite group is in violation of divine principles, but they don't care. Why? They believe that their wealth can purchase safety for them.
And where did the original beast and the dragon that empowers him in the book of Revelations come from? According to the Revelation of Jesus Christ that was given to John, it rose up out of the sea of the people, on Earth!
11Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.
12He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
13And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.
14Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
15He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,
17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
This calls for wisdom? One has to wonder given what we have witnessed recently, the nearly world-wide collapse of the incumbent world-wide financial credit system which includes the American and international stock market(s), the G7 and G8 might be what the writer John on the Isle of Patmos witnessed beforehand in his vision!
Certainly those nations and people who are not a part of this blasphemous macroeconomic system, a system that more and more rejects divine principles, appear to be suffering the most. The latter groups are under constant pressure to conform to the mandates of 'the beast', which is empowered by 'the dragon', apparently the United States. Those nations, mostly third-world or communist, that are not a part of the system beastly system, continue to be underdeveloped in greater proportion to those nations who have accepted 'the mark of the beast'.
I tell you folks, particularly you biblical eschatologists, that when you consider that it is the United States of America, a nation that is more and more becoming secularist just like many European nations have already become; and when you consider that the United States is literally operating out of ancient Babylon (the Land of Abraham); and the USA is as powerful militarily and financially as all of the other nations combined, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to believe that the United States might be the dragon and perhaps the beast of biblical prophecy!
Is the USA acting alone? Clearly, besides the priests of the world, many other disparate nations of the world, even none Christian nations of the world have come aboard the American style financial credit train! Who needs God, when money has become god, and money is expected to meet all of your needs and to solve your problems?
Those third-world nations like Cuba, Iran, the Democratic Republic of Korea who refuse to submit to the beast that is empowered by the dragon have suffered immeasurably. The United States has continued a half-century boycott against the island nation of Cuba. And how come? The answer is simple, Fidel Castro and the Cubans will not submit to the Dragon and take on the mark of the beast.
Recently eighty percent of the American said that America is 'headed in the wrong direction'. Could the reason be that America is the head of a world-wide macroeconomic system, that violates the principles of the Universe? SHOW ME THE MONEY is the American God! In God we trust, should be removed from the backs of American currency. Americans trust in America, many will die for America, but they will neither stand up for, nor die for the principles of the Almighty.
The solution is for each individual to free her or himself, and to learn to live independently of the global currency standard!
Love, peace & grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Caution: I believe that when humans wake up each day and turn on the computer, wait on Wall Street for the opening bell, or check the stock-market averages, that they are in fact worshipping both the beast and the dragon, that have been susbstituted for the sufficiency of the almighty! Some individuals don't have 'the mark', notice the symbols for each stock corporation either in the paper or on-line, however, I suspect that it is better not to have the mark, instead of the Sovereign. The solution for each individual is to free himself from a currency standard!
Here is another possible explanation for the Mark of the Beast.
Revelation 13:1 And he [the dragon] stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please read Revelations 13 in its entirety!
Here is just one other possibility to explain what the Mark of the Beast, taken from the book of Revelations, might represent. It occurred to me recently that the symbols that are often used to describe the volatile changes that take place, periodically, in the American stock market are 'the bull and the bear'. When the market is in a downward spiral, the market is referred to as a bear market, its behavior being compared with the bear often walks with his head down towards the ground.
On the other hand when the market is ratcheting up in a steady, uncontrollable, unpredictable and frenzied pace, it is often referred to as a bull market (its typology being that of a horned bull that is rummaging uncontrollably in the china shop, and destroying everything that gets in its path).
Literalists will counter that the symbols 'bear and bull', do not match up exactly with what John saw in his vision. Combine the two, and consider the image that you come up with.
Any person who is savvy in dream interpretation, recognizes that dream symbols can often be interpreted in more ways than one, and on occasion misinterpreted. And I suspect that is what has been taking place with those who have peradventure attempted to divine the meanings of the symbols in the past. What John saw was in fact a symbolic representation of what would turn out to be an actual event that would take place in these three tenses, local, ultimate and universal prophecy!
There was a time when many believers expected that a beast, would literally rise up out of one of the seas from around the world. At this late date, most Christians have moved beyond interpreting the astral-laden book of Revelations literally in this sense, Christians are no longer looking for Gorgo or some Godzilla-like creature to rise up out of the sea.
The G7 group of nations are headed and 'empowered' by the Dragon, which I believe is the United States of America, the latter being the force that empowers the beast along with its many nation-extensions. The G7 (also known as the G-7 or Group of Seven) is the meeting of the finance ministers from a group of seven industrialized nations. It was not so long ago when the majority of the world's goods, 40 to 50% inured to the benefit of the American consumer.
Americans are unabashed about their divine right, they believe, to own and enjoy the majority of the world's goods. In fact Americans will brag about that inherent right. Today, the United States still enjoys a disproportionate share of the world's goods, services and resources, to include oil. Depending on who you believe, America still consumes one half of the world's oil supply, leaving the other half for all other nations of the world to divide among themselves.
When you keep in mind that the United Nations is comprised of over 190 world representative world nations, it is easy for anyone to recognize that 'the beast' is enjoying far more than its share. In fact the world's economy, finance and trade are unquestionably controlled by the beast.
According to Wikipedia, it was formed in 1976, when Canada joined the Group of Six: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States of America.[1] The finance ministers of these countries meet several times a year to discuss economic policies. Their work is supported by regular, functional meetings of officials, including the G7 Finance Deputies.
It is not to be confused, however, with the G8, which is the annual meeting of the heads of government of the aforementioned nations, plus Russia.
This group, and their satellites (the horns on the beast)which likely represent other key players like China, Hong-Kong...have climbed in bed with the beast. And more and more all of them control the worldwide-economy together. And, of late the Republic of China has become a strong powerhouse all by itself. The USA and China once enemies have joined together in an economic enterprise whereby China is enjoying a trade deficit with the United States that favors China, and in turn the USA has borrowed and is still borrowing heavily from the Chinese in order to finance the Bush Wars!
The Definition of Blasphemy: NOUN: 1a. A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity. b. The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God.
Does the current world-wide financial, credit, economic, commerce, trade system that has been engineered and headed up by the United States of America blaspheme God? Of course it does, this system has replaced God with a concocted human economic system that praises wealth and the consumption of wealth, one that purports to be self-sufficient and able to meet the needs of the human race. And folks that is blasphemy. And more and more many of these nations are becoming secularist, the ones who were not secularist before.
These human political-economic system govern on their own terms. They provide for the needs people at their discretion, particular to those nations who will submit to them. Those nations who will not submit, often fail to enjoy the world's largess that was put here for all to enjoy, including those who are to come after us.
Many individuals and nations who previously lambasted the American capitalist system are today on board. In fact, many Americans who at one time would kneel down, pray and read a scripture each morning, have also turned turned to the beast each morning in order to be comforted.
Earlier in the morning they rise and check to see how well they have down in the stock market. Some turn to newspapers and check on the Dow Jones Averages ever before leaving the house. Others have their computer programs set to tell them how well they have done. And the more sophisticated and wealthy among us, hire individuals that manage their financial portfolios, and keep them abreast of how the beast treated them during their night of slumber.
Folks, there is no God on Wall Street, or at any of the other Stock Exchanges around the world. The beast has declared that the love of money, is not the root of any evil. In fact some Americans will brag that, "there is nothing wrong with greed'. The sin of greed is that it keeps others from enjoying their portion of goods, produces and services.
In the book, The God That Failed, the author recognized that the political-economic system of the USSR pretended to be a god, one that purported to be able to care for the people, in the end it was concluded that the Soviet God had failed. So far, the American headed version seems to be thriving, even though there was a near meltdown that nearly took down the financial markets of the world several weeks ago. And what causes the near meltdown, it was pure and simple greed.
Both the beast and the dragon have avaricious and insatiable appetites. The two are never satisfied. An American CEO can earn up to 400 times what the average employee in his organizations earns, but still he wants more. The multi-millionaires and billionaires in America and around the world are never satisfied, no matter how much wealth they manage to acquire. This greedy elite group is in violation of divine principles, but they don't care. Why? They believe that their wealth can purchase safety for them.
And where did the original beast and the dragon that empowers him in the book of Revelations come from? According to the Revelation of Jesus Christ that was given to John, it rose up out of the sea of the people, on Earth!
11Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.
12He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
13And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.
14Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
15He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,
17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
This calls for wisdom? One has to wonder given what we have witnessed recently, the nearly world-wide collapse of the incumbent world-wide financial credit system which includes the American and international stock market(s), the G7 and G8 might be what the writer John on the Isle of Patmos witnessed beforehand in his vision!
Certainly those nations and people who are not a part of this blasphemous macroeconomic system, a system that more and more rejects divine principles, appear to be suffering the most. The latter groups are under constant pressure to conform to the mandates of 'the beast', which is empowered by 'the dragon', apparently the United States. Those nations, mostly third-world or communist, that are not a part of the system beastly system, continue to be underdeveloped in greater proportion to those nations who have accepted 'the mark of the beast'.
I tell you folks, particularly you biblical eschatologists, that when you consider that it is the United States of America, a nation that is more and more becoming secularist just like many European nations have already become; and when you consider that the United States is literally operating out of ancient Babylon (the Land of Abraham); and the USA is as powerful militarily and financially as all of the other nations combined, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to believe that the United States might be the dragon and perhaps the beast of biblical prophecy!
Is the USA acting alone? Clearly, besides the priests of the world, many other disparate nations of the world, even none Christian nations of the world have come aboard the American style financial credit train! Who needs God, when money has become god, and money is expected to meet all of your needs and to solve your problems?
Those third-world nations like Cuba, Iran, the Democratic Republic of Korea who refuse to submit to the beast that is empowered by the dragon have suffered immeasurably. The United States has continued a half-century boycott against the island nation of Cuba. And how come? The answer is simple, Fidel Castro and the Cubans will not submit to the Dragon and take on the mark of the beast.
Recently eighty percent of the American said that America is 'headed in the wrong direction'. Could the reason be that America is the head of a world-wide macroeconomic system, that violates the principles of the Universe? SHOW ME THE MONEY is the American God! In God we trust, should be removed from the backs of American currency. Americans trust in America, many will die for America, but they will neither stand up for, nor die for the principles of the Almighty.
The solution is for each individual to free her or himself, and to learn to live independently of the global currency standard!
Love, peace & grace
Rev. C. Solomon
Caution: I believe that when humans wake up each day and turn on the computer, wait on Wall Street for the opening bell, or check the stock-market averages, that they are in fact worshipping both the beast and the dragon, that have been susbstituted for the sufficiency of the almighty! Some individuals don't have 'the mark', notice the symbols for each stock corporation either in the paper or on-line, however, I suspect that it is better not to have the mark, instead of the Sovereign. The solution for each individual is to free himself from a currency standard!
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