
A shocking and unnerving question for the religious community
to consider is:
Whether or not 'God' evolved?
Intelligent Designers will be unable to grasp that concept!
I have found that when a person says that they do not believe
that there is a God, which differs from saying, "I don't believe
in God", that they are not explaining precisely what it is that
they do or do not believe in.
Oftentimes, what they really mean is that I don't believe that
there is a a God by definition, based upon what religion has
taught. The first group differs by and large from the second
group. The second group believes that there is by definition
a God. However, usually because of disappointment or
disillusionment, they no longer believe 'in God'. To them God is
like a natural parent that has let a sibling down.
I am not mad at either group. Religion has done a great job of
disenchanting the former, and the latter are typically unhappy
with the God that they believe that exists (they will have to
reconcile that conundrum somehow)!
Humans have peered into the sky for millenia, and have been
unable to detect, without the proper aids, what has been there
all the time!
Rev. C. Solomon
And to my agnostic friends: The agnostic dyslexic spent
his lifetime wondering whether or not 'dog' existed!
Daniel 2:21 ... IT knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with IT...!
My Proposition: What is and exists in the darkness, the Ghost in the machine, most humans have yet to fully realize IT, neither have they learned to pursue it other than for personal gain. IT is the Divine Evolutionary, Governing and Creative Life Principle, that births universes, planets, plants, humans, energy, and other species..., and is itself fully self-contained.
I. Explanation: Humans, have over the millenia referred to IT as Horus, Osiris, Dagon, Baal, Amun, Mercury, Isis, Zeus, Yvh, Vishnu, God, He, the Great Spirit and by other names and ascriptions, see the book of Daniel as an example!
Both atheists and religious believers alike acknowledge 'ITs' existence. Daniel anthropomorphized IT and referred to IT by the pronoun, 'he'. Atheists and some in the scientific community view IT as a non-human principle, and therefore they wisely refuse to give it a name or refer to IT by a pronoun (instead some refer to it as The God Equivalent, The Unifying Principle or The Singularity).
In the Hebrew scriptures IT referred to itself in this manner, 'I Exist'! John in the last book of Revelations promises that IT will reveal yet another name! Why do I refer to this apparently genderless entity or principle as 'It"? Because, even though it is always referred to in the Hebrew and other religious texts by masculine names, titles and pronouns, all of us, religious and secularists, are seeking after something that may be non-corporeal after all.
Don't be offended! Its ability to create would suggest that IT has the ability to take on any form, including a human one, a male or female form. Could IT have taken on a form to appear and speak with humans, why not? Could IT have existed in a human form for a while, with arms and legs, and got bored with it and moved on to another form? Why not?
Could IT have been, as the 'word of faith' people believe, in the exact form of a man, just as you or I are right now, and perhaps evolved, morphed or leaped into another form. Truth will not be cloaked forever. For me, it is easier to say that I drew my conclusions, based on my understanding at the time!
For some, their greatest fear is that in discovery and by uncovering the truth - their long-held beliefs might be disproved. Therefore, they would prefer to leave things as they are. They have stopped themselves at a point of belief, and they want everyone else to stay there with them. Remember 1 Thess 5:21: Test, prove all things!
The voracity of proof ought to be preferable to holding on to unproven myth and rudimentary understanding! People would be wiser to pursue the truth as opposed to seeking acceptance in a group, religious or otherwise. The group that approves you because you accept their interpretations - religious or otherwise, are likely doing you a disservice.
Daniel and the Israelites, not the first to have done so, learned to access IT, and nationalized IT. They would reach out to IT, and receive answers back in response to their queries. See Daniel 2nd Chapter and the following verses:
17 Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions:
18 That they would desire the mercies [of it] which they referred to as the God of heaven {not the earth], concerning this [Nebuchadnezzar's Dream]secret.
19 Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel [in the dark] in a night vision.
Daniel, and many others before him not only made contact, they also received answers back from the dark side. Each of us knows that there is an obscure or invisible to the human eye something that exists, of which even our human senses cannot readily detect or experience. And more and more, among disparate groups - secularists or religious, synthesis or consensus, if you prefer, is being reached. Every knee and tongue will someday bow to IT, we have already been informed.
The basis for the disagreement between different groups, religious and secular, centers around what 'I EXIST' happens to be, and whether the religious mythologizers and historical proponents of truth, fully understood what they were and are talking about today when they try to explain IT. I believe that many well-intentioned individuals, writers and teachers of the past and present, were and are correct in principle, however, wrong in terms of ITs dimensions and ITs purpose!
Clearly ITs ultimate purpose was not to found redemptive religion, that came later!
Quantum Physics explains that radiation is the basic ingredient that determines by and large, just how phenomenon is observed through human eye visualization (in dark light). Dark light is the kind of light that we depend on - we cannot look directly at the Sun for example. The Apostle Paul was apparently blinded as a result of looking into the other light, see Acts chapter 9.
The divine creative and evolutionary principle that is and which exists beyond the scope of the human eye, and in our darkness, can be accessed and apparently communicated with. It remains unseen, however by the iris, cornea, retina and other ocular and visual aids, as well as by our tactile, olfactory, gustatory, and auditory senses. The exception being, whether we are seeking it in the proper manner!
II. In the Wisdom Book of Job, the author writes in chapter 33:12-16.
12 Behold, in this thou art not just: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man.
13 Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.
14 For god speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.
Job recognized that this divine creative and evolutionary principle, operated in the darkness or obscurity, relative to the human eye. Daniel often experienced IT, in night visions. Consider micro-organisms and other microbial organisms that are not visible to the human eye. Without the aid of some ocular visual aid, we can neither see these organisms, nor can we see the zillions of entities that exist within the universe, or outside of it apparently.
Unfortunately, with the exception of the scientific community mostly, what humans have been looking for has been some cosmic anthropomorphic being, one that is expected to be a larger version of the human anthropoid, of whom we bare ITs image!
That IT would return someday to live on or in Earth makes little sense and appears to be highly improbable given that in IT, the Apostle Paul wrote, based upon his having tapped into IT apparently - that we live, move and have our existence in IT! What temple then will we make to house IT or to worship IT?
Early humans, given their oral, literative interpretive understandings and explanations of IT, erred; just as we have done in 'our' common era. Having said that, former writers wrote about what they understood IT to be, an anthropomorphic time-independent creative & governing super-being.
Early man, conceded the Apostle Paul, recognized what he understood to be IT - based upon observations made through the prism of a darkened glass of awareness. He wrote in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 vs 12: For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
So-called Modern man that has stood on the shoulders of his predecessors, has already corrected many of the well-intentioned and speculative assertions of his predecessors. Modern man confirmed in the 17th Century that the Earth was not the physical center of the Universe as their predecessors and contemporaries believed! That fallacious conclusion which was drawn by pre-modern man, among many others, have already been debunked. And others, I believe, are soon to follow!
Religion has backed itself into the proverbial corner, those religions in particular that purport to be the harbingers of absolute and unadulterated truth. Physics, astronomy, biochemistry, biology, archaeology, earth and space sciences... and the people, have mostly all have moved on. Only retrograde religious groups, insist on burying their heads in the sand in the face of mostly incontrovertible knowledge, and remaining in the prehistoric stages of knowledge and wisdom.
Most religions of the world have individuals within their groups who are masters at explaining what is written in their holy writs, and at explaining what it is that they believe. Given that each group claims to be a harbinger of absolute truth, then why is that so many of these groups disagree with each other? Each group would answer that the other groups are simply wrong! And that is where all of these groups have gone wrong, in this writer's opinion. How?
They have arrogantly twisted and applied 'the faith mandate', insisting that in order to become a member of their group, you must believe what they believe; not in the entity that they were supposed to believe in! Right there, God has been replaced, given a religious group's insistence that you must believe as they believe. Don't believe it, even if these groups are a part of mainstream religion!
Charlie Manson's followers apparently believed Charlie Manson's Helter Skelter, and where are they now? Most of them, just like Charles are still imprisoned, just as you will be if you surrender reason and the ability to question, if you were to join in with any one of these groups!
I suspect that sooner than later, the tenets of most of the religious groups from around the world will be debunked. And just like a variety of religious circles of the past, many of our current day religious groups will become extinct. And what is so frightening about the former, is that their followers died in faith believing that they would see Lord Krisha, Vishnu, Horus, Isis, Osiri, Baal...!
Don't taze me bro, for saying that. For their sakes I hope that they are correct! After all, should those individuals who have passed on be disappointed or punished for believing what 'they were taught to believe was the unadulterated truth'? Or, on the other hand did God wink at their ignorance? I hope so! I heard a pastor's wife say before, that anybody who goes to hell after hearing her husband-pastor's teaching, that they ought to go and they should burn like fly paper. Er herm! See what religion often does to people!
What is and has been essentially wrong with religion is that religion builds too much of its praxis based solely upon uncorroborated assertions, uncontested dogma, and an insistence in unquantifiable and unquestioned belief in what they understand to be true. Most religions, not all - are faith based. Faith in what a particular group believes in, for some religious groups, is all that matters! Once you confess that you believe what they believe, you are given the right hand of fellowship, and the assurance that you are saved from damnation!
However, what many of these religious groups have failed to take into consideration is, what if what my groups believes is, no matter how much what we believe in appears to be true, is wrong? How many persons will have wasted their lives because they believed or lived their lives according to what a sincere, however, misinformed religious group believed and taught them? That kind of exclusivity is dangerous! Where do I stand?
There is simply too much at stake in my opinion. I believe that it would be irresponsible for any human being to rely solely upon a group of individuals and their disparate organization's belief systems, who cannot even agree among themselves upon what is actual truth. In other words, if there is only one truth, and there are so many different groups that have come up with different explanations for what truth is, one would be foolish to rely on this collectivity for all of their answers.
I believe in personal scrutiny, self-examination and refinement, always giving myself the benefit of the doubt with respect to what I believe!
I have spent all of my years, right up and unto the present in the church. I have since listened to a number of teachers and preachers in my lifetime who were essentially in error about what they were teaching and preaching. There has been both good and bad theology taught by some of these ministers. However, good or bad,nothing could stop them from teaching 'what they believed', many refused to have their beliefs or interpretations tested. I always leave the door open, recognizing that what I believe may not be 100% accurate after all.
I leave that same door ajar recognizing that what has been passed on to me by well-intentioned authors, and our predecessors, is also capable of being flawed.
Remember what the Apostle wrote, "...now we are seeing through a glass darkly"? Then how dare anyone insist that what they believe is absolute truth! The late Herbert W. Armstrong and other groups like his, made fools of themselves and their organizations by doing so. Kudos to the Seventh Day Adventists for admitting that some of the theology that had been passed on throughout the history of that organization was simply flawed. There are many other organizations who need to admit that they have made similar mistakes, and have taught some egregiously flawed dogma as doctrine!
I have always appreciated what the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:21. He wrote, "prove everything", and hold fast to that which is good. What the Apostle meant was, to test things and prove them; Peter added that even the prophets who come to you, should also be subjected to the proof/smell test (because some are false prophets).
If that is not an endorsement for not just accepting things at face value that you are being taught, or because someone said it, I don't know what is! Even when you were a toddler, you didn't allow just anything to be put into your mouth. So how come as an adult, are accepting just anything to be put into your brain?
Religion, holds that the scientific community for example is flawed and when it comes to matters of creation and the cosmos, should be ignored. How far behind is the average human being then, given that we have historically placed all of our eggs into one basket, the retrograde religious basket? Over and over religious texts have been shown to be either flawed, or perhaps mistranslated!
If religion believes that infidel scientists, the great unwashed pagans that they are, have no right to explore or attempt to prove what is and what is not true; then individuals in the world's religious groups ought to take on the task themselves, and they should begin scrutinizing themselves first! But whatever you do, don't say that what is true, happens to be true because you believe it is true. I've had days when I woke up believing it was one day of the week, only to learn later that it was a different day of the week.
A case in point: Some years ago, a national holiday fell upon a day earlier in the week. By the end of the week I was confused. In fact I got out of the bed, believing that it was Sunday. I showered, dressed and rushed off to church. No one else showed up, however. Oops I thought, I must have missed the rapture. I got on the phone and phoned one of the saints, asking, where is everybody. She said, what are you talking about. I explained where I was only to hear laughter on the other end of the phone. She said, today is Saturday!
I could have continued to pretend that it was Sunday, however, I did not. I went home and changed clothes, and engaged Saturday-appropriate behavior. My Point? It is time for the religious world to stop behaving as if it were yesterday. Clearly, a lot more progress should have been made in 2000 years, than has been made in religion and within religious groups.
How objective could religious science be, and could we rely on religious scrutiny? That is the real concern given that religion often begins with preformulated conclusions instead of a working hypothesis. Therefore, the conclusions drawn will likely be self-fulfilling ones. I can hear them saying it now, see, I told you that I was right, even though both their data and conclusions might be skewed!
An interesting trend is occurring, not only are individuals turning secular, nations (like Israel), and in other regions of the world like Europe, more and more people have become secular. Will he find faith when he returns to the Earth? Religions have had an negative effect on individuals who otherwise would have remained in a religious circle. I believe that the average person person is seeking after truth.
However, most religious groups make every effort to stop or debunk anyone else, individual or institution, who is seeking after truth from doing so, particularly when their search for truth differs from what a religious sect or denomination happens to believe in! I don't sound very religious to be a preacher do I? Factually, I try not to be - I am more interested in seeking after the truth as opposed to engagin in religious practice, and warning others that religion does not have a monopoly on truth!
Am I a synkretist then? Not hardly, I believe that there is truth, however, I wouldn't go out on a limb and tell anyone that truth, can always be found in religion or that everything is okay in religion. Why? It is not and it has never been the case!. In fact, usually after religion gets through with disciples who pass through any of its portals, Peter said it best; the last state of that person is worse than before they became a part of that religious group.
Individuals who become involved with religious groups, are conditioned not to think for themselves anymore. Instead, they are told to outsource their abilities to think, reason, question and consult God, to an incumbent teacher or set of teachers within a religious substrate organization.
And oftentimes, when they are finished working their magic on them, those once innocent and sekking individuals are afraid not to believe, or to question what has been taught them by their current group of religious teachers. It is if they had become betwitched. Some fortunate souls who have gotten away, have had to be clinically deprogrammed once they escaped from these hypnotizers - and rightfully so!
Others, regrettably, have lost their lives in places like Guyana and Waco (We Ain't Coming Out) Texas, because they believed in the dogma of a cult leader instead of relying on common sense. And trust me, there are big cults, small cults, and mainstream cults - we are not simply referring to backwater Pentecostal groups og snake handlers!
Are people becoming secularized because they do not believe in God? Anecdotal evidence seems to show that people are becoming secularized more and more, because they are disillusioned with religion and THE GOD OF RELIGION. God is not the source of their displeasure, 90% of Americans believe in God, about half of that number will attend church however. Isn't it telling that these same individuals who pray to God everyday, are afraid of religion?
What science is seeking and at times stumbling across, and what I am seeking after, transcends religious dogma. They are, I am - simply seeking after the truth, and willing to discard anything along the way, that is not - even religion, or religious teaching that is not truthful!
While listening to a secularist one day on the radio, he said, I do not believe that God exists. He added, I believe that man (religion) created God. He didn't stop there, but then added, I am not mad at God, like a Madelyn Murray O'Hair was - for she apparently believed in God, he said. If she did not believe in God he said, why was she so mad at God? This man ended his radio discourse by saying, I would do whatever God told to me to do, if and whenever we find out that there really is a God.
Does this mean that he was not seeking after truth? In fact, he would tell you that he is doing just the opposite. As opposed to following after what he believes to be cunningly connived and devised fables, fairy tales and myths, he is seeking after what is real! Shouldn't all of us be making our business to seek after what is actual and factual?
And man 'is not the measure of all things' - well, I added that point. I can only imagine if I had been a priest in the Catholic church at the time that Galileo was placed under house arrest, for contradicting fallacious church dogma! Could I have ever trusted the church again? I suppose I could, if I had been brainwashed enough!
Each of us, apparently, posseses the ability today, to experience what both our contemporaries and predecessors have experienced; the one's who have tapped into the darkness and discovered or communicated with the true light. And we can in the post modern era, apparently do what Daniel and his contemporaries did in the pre-modern era; we have the same capacity to interced.
More and more humans are more impressed with the god of science, which I will refer to as verifiable proof! Scare you? Let me ask you this, which group has proven more what it is or is not true? Factually, most religous groups aren't even pretending to be seeking after proof of any kind. Next, which group has learned more about the universe, the religious or scientific community? Which group is enjoying the universe more, the religious or the scientific community?
Factually science, anthropology, has learned, scrutinized and taught more about religion and its its origins. Religion on the other hand, consistently refutes science based on nothing more than bias and self-serving prejudice! Religious communities condition their adherents, by focusing religious teachings on fear and restraint; the scientific community encourages exploration and discovery.
Religion's greatest fear is that science will prove that what it has been teaching, all or in part, may be nothing more than myth! If you are seeking after the truth, I believe that you don't have anything to worry about. If you have been simply living your life according to what someone said, that they got from someone else - you might unltimately have a problem and be subsequently subjected to humiliation, or disgraced!
If things work out as has been explained in Christian dogma, and someday all believers will have the ability to sit around God's throne and have a discussion with God. I can only imagine whic group God will enjoy talking to more. The religious individuals who came out of tribulation, or those who skipped the tribulation (religion cannot agree about that either) will want to talk about all that they went through in life and how they made it over.
Members of the scientific community and more erudite individuals will have questions about thermo-dynamics, E=mc2, entropy, quantum mechanics, steady state. physics, astronomy, matter, gravity, black holes, worm holes, relocation in space, the Big bang, evolution, reproduction..., and all of the other unknowns, see Isaiah Chapter 55! Point made?
One of ITs most important revelations given to human beings was, that in order for carbon beings to exist eternally or infinitesimally, they must vacate their existing carbon bodies and transfer their consciousness into a more durable body. And do you know, there is nothing mystical about that when you think about it? For after all, anyone who can read this blog has likely experienced the death of a loved one. Our loved ones keep dying who were in bodies that are like the ones that we inhabit, don't they?
In other words, Jesus taught a observable principle, i.e, that if you stay in these bodies, you will die. On the other hand he taught, beyond the constraints of a radiological hydrogen thermally-driven world and body, our consciousness can thrive eternally in another form, apparently within or outside of our current space-time continuum. Yes we can apparently thrive time-independently, once our current constrictures have been eliminated. And what is time? The best definition that I have ever heard was, time is relocation in space.
Religion has done a fairly good job of introducing eternal life. On the other hand, I see eternal life as more of a scientific fact than a religious one. Religion apparently does not have a monopoly on 'eternal life' after all.
Aside from all of our singing hymns, worshipping, dancing, shouting, an imbibing the Holy Eucharist, it is a fact that our DNA is corrupted. And as a result, some humans are born with disabilites, all of us get sick from time to time and others have died. If we desire to live on, healthily, a change has to be made to our physiology perhaps with genetic re-engineering, otherwise we have to discard our current temples and live in a new body.
Science, with ITS help, will assist in helping to make the necessary changes that will be necessary in order to eliminate death. And what will religious people be doing while scientists look for a solution? I suspect that religious groups will continue believing that pseudo piety, and varying forms of religious worship or chanting will result in the necessary changes being made, mutatis mutandis, an eternal life will follow.
What does piety, singing, dancing et al, have to do with changing a finite, limited, disease and illness proned dying body?
It would appear that God will have to reveal to the scientific community what alterations need to be made so that humans can exist eternally, perhaps the fruit that contains a medicinal cure already exists somewhere on Earth. This sounds far fetched to some I'm certain, on the other hand the knowledge to heal the body from diseases, or to surgically remove tumors et al, has already been disclosed to human beings.
Pharmacology, homeopathic medicines and cures have been around for millenia. Today humans, including religious ones, go to the doctor for help. And the latter depend upon medical science, while at the same time criticizing medical science!
When scientist uncover the means of the principle of eternal life, I really don't believe that God will be upset. In other words God will apparently help them to discover that which will prevent death, againg and disease. It may not turn out to be a fountain of youth, besides who wants to be a kid all of their lives. On the other hand, musch has been learned about aging, death, disease and cures already. The ability to resurrect, or restore someone who has died, to move consciousness into another body, or simply to replace impaired genes is on the way I suspect.
Some researchers are getting closer as we speak, having admitted already that they keep finding in research a common denominator what may turn out to be the God equivalent that has been reffered to in religion - even though it does not appear, a SUPERMAN!
What? Remember the story of the blind man in the 9th chapter of Acts, that Jesus caused to be healed from his congenital blindness? How did he do it? Jesus didn't lay hands on him. He gave the man something that was life-changing for him; he provided the man, what was needed in order for him to be able to see. I have said before, that I suspect that something was wrong with the man's cornea, iris or retina, given that this man had congenital blindness.
What Jesus took from the ground, sounds very similar to an occasion that we read about when God took "earth" and created Adam-man. After the blind man washed the residual from the mixture from his eyes, of the kind that was apparently used to create Adam, - he could see. What happened? It was as if Jesus was a pharmacist and applied the man with a pharmacological remedy!
Here we witnessed the creative work taking place. Jesus did something that is similar to what our specialists are doing today, when they inject human growth hormone, tissue or other genetic materials into our bodies. Jesus gave the blind man something from the ground that his physiology required. Study soil, and the layer in which organisms reside, and you will understand.
Our researchers and scientists are doing the same thing today. They go back to the same earth that our carbon bodies originated from, and extract fissle material that is required order to create medicines, to repair tissues...to fight diseases; and today they have learned to clone,and synthesize within cultures materials to sustain and repair our bodies.
In the Christian faith, most Christians are taught that they will be beamed up to the mother ship, where they will undergo a conversion of monumental proportions. The latter represents a change in or of human DNA. From then on, humans will exist in a form that is just like that of Jesus Christ. Again, leave mysticism out of it, for what Jesus referred to appears to be simple body alteration, modification or removal of consciousness from one warn out or exhausted body into another.
Where is the secret to that hormone, genetic engineering, RNA, DNA, tissue implant or enzyme that humans need in order to exist eternally? I ask again, will humans, likely scientists, who are the only one's who are doing research anyway be permitted to find the human life altering enzyme? And, will religious individuals who at the same time criticize scientific research, continue to turn to science for medications, surgery, diagnoses, healing..., while criticizing science?
Wha we refer to as God apparently has had not had any desire to live among humans as such. Much of what we know is not because a visible God walked among us and taught us, as far as I know. However, clearly, knowledge is being released, if only incrementally, that has helped man to be where he is today. And I suspect that we would have got here a lot quicker if it had not been for religion.
Consider this again, whoever said then that God was not intending to, despite all of the metaphors to the contrary, release (or man will find) the knowledge, or discover the technologies that will take man to the next stage in the evolutionary cycle, ie, everlasting life - could that have been pre-planned? And I repeat that everlasting life could simply represent learning to live time independently or in a kind of suspended animation, i.e, simply being!
Where would we be without Aristotle, Galileo, Mendel, Pastuer, Einstein, ...? I will tell you. We would all be sitting down at the church drinking unpastuerized milk..., listening to a minister (and giving him your money) who believes that we are at the center of the universe and being attacked by demons and spirts from outter space! In fact some still are sitting down at..., and still believing that the Earth is still flat!
III. Transmigration of the Soul & Spirit:
This is the transmigration of the spirit, soul and consciousness that (Master Scientist) Jesus was talking about. Not only Daniel, however, Elijah and others discovered and understood transcendency, during the time that they occupied carbon bodies. Elijah was able to morph in out of his body, and into other bodies like that of John the Baptist. He was able to appear later in a transfigured body, along with the once crucified Jesus, and deceased Moses.
Humans have the option of being transmogrified; is this the mystery that Paul felt and wrote about it in 1 Corinthians the 15th Chapter. In these texts, Paul wrote (he didn't have a blog) in his letters about terrestrial and extraterrestrial beings. He also talked about different kinds of bodies for fowls, for humans and so forth. If we would consider the diversity that exists on this planet in the animal kingdom for example, clearly what we refer to as spirit or soul can exist in a variety of forms.
Consider the animal kingdom, and the a variety of animals that have existed and still exist on this planet. Where did they all come from? How come some animals are extinct like the dinosaurs of 65 million years ago, and instead we are hear today? When you think of it that way, existing in another form or more improved form is not that far-fetched. Will future stromatolites produce new life forms?
According to scripture, believers would undergo a body transformation, in a twinkling (not blinking) of an human eye. Get it, your essence will continue on in another body form! Jesus apparently morphed in and out of his body. He apparently could have invented a flying machine (remember Ezekiel's vision) or a land vehicle for both he and his disciples to get around in during his day, similar to the ones that our ministers are driving around in today. However, he was able to move around without the body.
Oh I hear you - the Rev has lost it now! BTW, I wonder if had created vehicles for the minister/disciples, would they have driven Lexus, Caddy, Benz, Porsche or Lamborghinis - while the members walk!
I have suggested before that the United States, NASA and other nations have been wasting too much time and money on space age technologies to be utilized in order to engage in inter-stellar travel. NASA's planning and designs anticipate transporting on average 5 or 6 foot humanoids throughout space. A cheaper and more efficient method would be to invest in learning how to move consciousness out of the body now, and to astral-project - or use some other nonconventional methods in order to have the conscience to explore the Universe.
Another way to explore the Universe, if we must, would be to learn how to operate in non-linear time, or time-independent! Once we unlock that mystery, we will learn to simply BE an I AM; and there won't be any reason to travel (or relocate in space) - we will, just like Jesus, Elijah and others shift, or perhaps travel through worm holes! Why is God eternal? IT obviously exists outside of our finite and limited space-time continuum. Eternity might simply be defined as time-independence!
Just like humans, the Universe as we know it was born and it is growing. And, everything that is born, apparently dies. The universe was exploded into existence, and we exist and are still riding inside of that cosmic explosion, which apparently implode back on itself some day.
With regard to IT, all things are being witnessed simultaneously, the beginning and the end, as well as everything in inner and outer space!
Having said that, I suspect that when consciousness is freed from its bodily constraints, the least important thing that it would want to do would be to take a tour of space in order to examine rocks, icy and gaseous planets or Galilean moons! We live on a rock you know? Also, Saturn, Jupiter and its 48 moons..., all are simply 'big rocks, gas, ice and other celestial particles'! There has to be more than that!
Is this mysterium that I am referring to soo hard to grasp? I suspect it is all at once, otherwise why would the divine evolutionary and creative principle have revealed incremental portions of IT over a considerable period of human evolutionary time - acutally a minute or two in the whole scheme of things? The message of Christ as recorded in the canon is simply this, if you have the Adamic or human DNA, you will be unable to continue on in your present form. Apart from this form, you won't require, hydrogen, oxygen, food as we know it, warmth or dark light!
The objective of the messenger Jesus Christ was to convey that our DNA has been corrupted, and in order to continue to exist in an eternal form or non-form, beyond Adam's 930 year life span (or to enter into another non-human realm/kingdom), we must escape these dying bodies. Consider the Planets and moons that are dying, or that have died.
Apparently, if Adam had not erred, you and I could today could go and meet, talk and walk with Adam in Mesopotamia or in 'the Garden, had he not eaten the poison that caused his original DNA to be altered. As a result of whatever he imbibed (as a result of breaking a life-changing rule), a death, terminating principle or enzyme was conjoined with and into his DNA which led to his eventual demise. The latter death enzyme or principle was genetically passed on to his descendants.
As a result, all of those who share the altered DNA are genetically predisposed to carbon-body termination. That principle, the law of termination is now fixed in our existing frames! It is critical that you and I pierce the darkness of the parallel Universe that parapsychologists describes; it constricts us. The other is apparently , and IT does exist; the human eye, and our other senses are simply incapable of detecting it IT or the other dimensions!
Study Quantum Physics and you will grasp what Daniel, Jesus and others were saying. Most religious organizations, including the major ones, still do not get it! And I suspect that we will complete the journey a lot quicker, and our understanding will become clearer, once we stop fighting those apparati that can help us to discover what is actual. Religion is not the only way, in fact it might not be the best way - the majority of them have been wrong. Truth is the best way to return to a full existence with the creator and sustainer of all things!
As I close, why is it that many of the groups mentioned above fail to believe that there is a God? They simply do not believe in the God of religion, the God of religious books, or the proof that God exists, as presented by religious groups. Non-believers have good reason to doubt, to be sure. A good salesperson, not only sells a product, they recognize that they are selling themselves.
A good teacher understands that he or she cannot teach and expect someone to believe, just because they said so, or because they have and teach from a book that they believe is the unadulterated truth! Religion needs to do a better job or move over and let someone else try IT! Religion may not care for scientists, or for the scientiific method; however, God apparently does (see Isaiah 55:6-11); he certainly is helping those who want to know, in discovery.
There is much that God wants us to know, on the other hand there is much that religion does not what us to find out! I believe that the ones who continue to seek the truth, including secularists are going to meet up one day at the intersection of Truth!
Peace & Grace
Reverend C. Solomon
Addenda: We have played around with the principles long enough, it is time to move on to perfection. The Apostle Paul wrote that he knew a man (most believe that he is referring to himself) who ascended into the other realm, that was apparently not up, but into. Ezekiel, Elijah, Daniel and John, all apparently experienced IT, while they were still on Earth!
I often run afoul of ministers who teach that their written documents contain absolute truth, or what they say is 'the unadulterated truth'. Some even teach, either believe all of it or none of it. What angered Jews the most about Jesus was that he often violated what had been written in Jewish scripture. He violated Sabbaths, rewrote the laws saying, 'you have heard that it hath been said by them of old times.
I won't bash our authoritarian teachers of today, but I will encourage anyone to seek the truth, given that a lot of what you have been taught as being absolute truth, is simply what was heard by them from old times - they meant well, but there is a lot that they simply did not know or understand, that has since been proved to be factual!
The voracity of proof ought to be preferable to holding on to pride, unproven myth and rudimentary understanding!
Those individuals who constructed the canon, at Constantine's command, may or may not have had the best of intentions. I believe that the canon is invaluable. On the other hand, I recognize that the canon is full of errors, changes, delineations. contradictory and uncorroborated information. Many of the disparate writers who wrote the 66 books over thousands of years wrote poems, codices, assertions, historical accounts and perhaps inspirations that were directly sent by God - the problem is, we know already that such was the case in every instance.
Many pastors, again, who tell you to believe all of it or except none of it, ought to be ignored. We've all read lines, paragraphs or chapters in a book that may or may not be true, however, you don't toss away the whole book for that reason, or do you? Rather than question what may or may not be true, or what might have been tampered with it - they would insist that you accept the inaccuracies, as if they were truth!
I believe that if you seek the truth - IT WILL FIND YOU! After all, in the minds of most skeptics, IT IS NOT GOD THAT is on trial, it is the ones who keep trying to sell God, that most skeptics have problems with!
Religion itself, not just the old Law, may turn out to be 'a schoolmaster', that brought us only half-way to the TRUTH! For the whole of religion appears
to have been just another stepping stone to what is actual!
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